New November 2002

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Weed Management Systems for Environmentally Sensitive Areas

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is intended for print distribution or as a downloadable PDF. Please see links to the PDF file and ordering information on this page.

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William G. Johnson
Department of Agronomy
Reid J. Smeda
Department of Agronomy
Sarah Hans
Department of Agronomy
Kaleb Hellwig
Department of Agronomy

Link to PDFInformation presented in this publication was compiled from University of Missouri field experiments over a 12-year period to determine how tillage practices and herbicide application rates and timing affect weed control and grain yield in field corn.

This publication examines four aspects of corn production in areas especially sensitive to the environmental effects of agricultural practices:

This publication is part of a series of Integrated Pest Management manuals prepared by the Plant Protection Programs of the University of Missouri.



IPM1018, new November 2002