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Agriculture & Natural Resources
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program
Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project




The UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP) and the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project (UC IPM) are together soliciting new proposals for grants to conduct educational programs that will advance the goals of these programs. Funds are available to support workshops, field days, symposia, seminars, and other educational events held between July 1, 2002 and June 30, 2003. Awards are limited to $1,500 per event.

SAREP and UC IPM are Statewide Special Programs within the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. They serve farmers, farmworkers, ranchers, pest management professionals, researchers, educators, regulators, policy makers, industry professionals, consumers, and community organizations across California.

SAREP Goals:
SAREP works in partnership with others to support--

UC IPM Goals:


Those eligible to apply include individuals affiliated with California public or private educational institutions, with California non-profit, tax-exempt organizations, or with federal or state government agencies. ("California, non-profit, tax exempt organization" is defined as any organization which is operating in California and legally exempt from taxes imposed by the California Franchise Tax Board's revenue and taxation codes.) It is recommended that proposals include as a coordinator or cooperator at least one career academic member of the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (e.g., farm/home/4H advisors, extension specialists, faculty).

Members of SAREP's Program Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee, and UC IPM's Educational Event Review Committee may not apply or participate as coordinators or cooperators on any proposals. For the purposes of this RFP, a cooperator is defined as any individual who is involved in writing the proposal or organizing the event. Proposals including any of these committee members as cooperators will be automatically rejected. These committee members may participate as speakers or resource people for events submitted under this RFP.


Total funding available is expected to be $45,000, although awards are limited to $1,500 per event. Proposals will be accepted on the following topics:

The sustainability of crop and livestock systems. Topics in this area include, but are not limited to:
· Integrated crop management systems, including organic productions systems
· Soil and water quality
· Range management and controlled grazing

Integrated pest management in agricultural and urban systems. Topics in this area include, but are not limited to:
· Ecologically-based, integrated approaches to managing pests in agricultural, landscape, and urban environments, which would include -
· pest and beneficial identification and monitoring,
· use of cultural control practices (rotations, vegetation management, habitat modification, sanitation, etc.),
· biological control,
· reduced-risk pest management practices (such as use of mating disruption, Bt, etc.),
· pesticide mitigation issues (e.g., reducing pesticide runoff, drift, etc.), and
· organically acceptable pest control methods.

Connections between farmers, consumers, and communities in sustainable food and agricultural systems. Topics in this area include, but are not limited to:
· Community food systems - direct or local marketing strategies, consumer education, community and economic development, community food security
· Urban agriculture - urban farming, market gardening
· Labeling for consumer information - eco-labeling, genetically modified organisms, fair trade
· Public policy - land use, water, ag chemical use, genetic engineering, farm labor, food policy

Please consult SAREP's Web site (www.sarep.ucdavis.edu/events/) for examples of previous educational events funded by this grants program. Note that previous Requests for Proposals included some topic areas that are different from this RFP.

Proposals will be evaluated in these areas:

Funds for more than one event can be requested in a single proposal if the events are considered a series, or are very similar or related. Requests for multiple educational events that are distinct should be submitted in separate proposals.

Applicants should complete the Cover Page(s) including signatures, and provide a brief (two- or three-page) proposal as outlined below.

I. Cover Page(s)

Cover Page(s) must include the following information:

A. Meeting Title

B. Location

C. Topic Area
Indicate which category your proposal applies to: ( )sustainability of crop and livestock systems; ( )integrated pest management in agricultural and urban systems; or ( )connections between farmers, consumers, and communities in sustainable food systems. Check only one category.

D. University/Organization/Agency
Provide contact information and Federal ID # if applicable.

E. Principal Coordinator(s)
Provide contact information.

F. Cooperator(s)
Provide contact information.

G. Contact person for contract matters
Provide contact information.

H. Detailed Budget
A detailed budget should be included here, including other sources of funds supporting the event.

The budget may include a reasonable registration fee, but the fee must be the same for all attendees: You may not offer registration discounts for members of particular organizations. The registration fee may be waived for individuals or groups who might otherwise be unable to afford the cost of attendance (e.g., students, farmworkers, low-income individuals).

Expenses that may be included in grant funds requested include:
· Educational materials for participants
· Transportation and accommodations for speakers, organizers, staff
· Room rental, equipment rental
· Staff support
· Expenses associated with mailing meeting announcements
· Video taping, if demonstrated that it would be an effective tool for educational purposes.

Expenses not covered by grant funds include the following:
· Indirect overhead charges. All expenses must be clearly justified as direct costs of the event.
· Food and drinks. The cost of meals must be covered by the sponsoring organization or included in the registration fee.
· Equipment purchase. Grant funds may be used to rent equipment necessary to conduct the meeting; funds may not be used to purchase equipment.
· Instructor training. Grant funds may not be used to pay registration fees or travel for organizers or instructors to attend other meetings or training events.
· Honoraria. Honoraria may be provided to presenters except for proposals funded in the integrated pest management category.

I. Total Funds Requested

J. Signatures
Signatures of all coordinators and cooperators listed on the cover page are required. These may be included in the space provided on the cover page, or attached as a separate page. Signatures will indicate that all project participants have read the proposal and understand their roles in the proposed educational program. University coordinators must also include signature of dept. chair or county/regional director.

II. Body of proposal (2 to 3 pages). Include information under the following headings:

A signed original plus 9 copies (double-sided preferred) of the application, using the prescribed format and cover page, must be received at the address below by 5:00 p.m., March 13, 2002. Proposals that are received after the deadline will not be accepted. Proposals will not be accepted via FAX or email.
Mailing address for U.S. Postal Service:

Educational Events Grants
UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
One Shields Avenue
University of California
Davis, CA 95616-8716

Mailing address for delivery services (UPS, Federal Express):

Educational Events Grants
UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
DANR Building, Hopkins Road (off Hutchison Road west of Highway 113)
Davis, CA 95616-8716

Awards will be announced by May 15, 2002. If you have any questions, contact David Chaney at (530) 754-8551 (email: dechaney@ucdavis.edu).

A brief report will be required two weeks after the educational event is held.

The University of California prohibits discrimination against or harassment of any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or status as a covered veteran (special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran or any other veteran who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized). University Policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions of applicable State and Federal laws. Inquiries regarding the University's nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Affirmative Action/Staff Personnel Services Director, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 300 Lakeside Dr., 6th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-3550 (510) 987-0096.


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