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Agriculture & Natural Resources
Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program



The UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP) is soliciting proposals for targeted research and education proposals on sustainable food systems. Targeted topic areas are:


PROPOSALS DUE: May 1, 2003


Eligible applicants include researchers affiliated with California non-profit, tax-exempt organizations and California public and private institutions of higher education. "California non-profit, tax-exempt organization" is defined as any organization which is operating in California and legally exempt from taxes imposed by the California Franchise Tax Board's revenue and taxation codes. Former SAREP grant recipients are eligible for funding unless the required report from their previous grant is delinquent. SAREP staff and members of SAREP's Program Advisory and Technical Advisory Committees are not eligible to participate as an investigator or cooperator on any project. Proposals will be rejected if they include investigators or cooperators who are on SAREP's staff or Program Advisory Committee (PAC) or Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Current Advisory Committee members are: PAC - Dante Benedetti, Stacie Clary, William Lacy, David Lighthall, Art Naldoza, and Karen Ross; TAC - Ted Bradshaw, Holly Brown-Williams, Kent Daane, Maria de la Fuente, Melanie DuPuis, Lucrecia Farfan-Ramirez, William Horwath, Rachel Mabie, Jim Oltjen, and John Phillips.


Total funding available is expected to be approximately $80,000. We are interested in funding a variety of projects, with typical awards of $10,000-20,000, but larger budgets will be considered if well justified. Due to the limited funds available, only one-year projects will be considered.


We are soliciting project proposals in the following targeted topic areas:

SAREP has supported sustainable agriculture research and educational projects that address all three elements of what most consider essential for long-term viability of agriculture: that food and agricultural systems be economically viable, environmentally sound, and socially responsible. This year SAREP is targeting its funds to support research into key social and economic issues such as marketing; linkages between food, agriculture and public health; concerns about energy use in agriculture; economic concentration in the food system; and the quality of life in California's communities. One of SAREP's goals is to make links between sustainable agricultural production and the communities and people that benefit from it. As the state continues its rapid urbanization, fewer and fewer people are connected to agriculture or understand its significance. Through its competitive grants, SAREP helps to create and strengthen links between urban consumers and the agricultural community by supporting demonstration projects that supply farm fresh foods to the public in all income categories, educate community residents about where their food comes from, and afford economic development opportunities to communities and economic stability for growers.

Projects are also needed that assess the current impact and future potential of these new food marketing/distribution approaches. Other research might analyze how agricultural practices, economic and social structures or local, state or federal policies impact the long-term sustainability of California's food and agricultural system, and in turn, how new polices might be developed that would contribute to greater viability of agriculture in California.

Examples of potential projects in these topic areas include but are not limited to:

Direct or regional marketing/distribution systems

Social and economic analyses of conventional or alternative food systems and policy implications


All proposals will be judged according to the following criteria-

A. Relevance to Mission

B. Relevance to Target Audience (Justification)

C. Goals and Objectives

D. Methods/Activities/Timetable

E. Evaluation

F. Education/Outreach

G. Capabilities of Investigators and Cooperators

H. Budget and Other Grant Support

  Requested Funds Matching Funds (4) Source of Matching Funds
Name and/or payroll title and
% time
Employee Benefits      
Supplies and Expenses (1)      
Permanent Equipment (2)      
Travel (3)      

(1) List by major category, with costs, and justification for categories over $500. Reimbursement of growers for potential crop loss is not allowed.
(2) List specific items, their cost, and justification for each item. Equipment requests are scrutinized carefully, and are generally not approved unless the equipment is crucial to the project and access is not available by means other than purchase.
(3) Indicate destination(s), estimate number of trips and cost of each.
(4) Include in-kind contributions.

Name of Investigator Title of Project Supporting Agency Total $ Amount Effective & Expiration Dates % of PI Time Committed







Proposal must be typewritten using font size of 10 pt. or larger. Please observe the word and page limits stated below. Refer to CRITERIA/REQUIREMENTS section for description of what should be in each part of section II and III.

Section I. Introduction
A. Cover Page - Use the cover page provided below, or an exact duplicate of it, for the requested information. The proposal must be approved and cosigned by the principal investigator and an official representative of the investigator's organization.

Click below to receive the cover page template as:

B. Summary - (500 words or less)
The summary and goals/objectives sections together should stand alone as a definitive description of your project in lay language. The summary should include a statement of the critical problem(s) to be addressed, a summary of the research or education approach, and a statement of the potential benefits/impacts expected in addressing the goals of sustainable agriculture. (If your project is funded, the summary and objectives sections will be the basis of your project's entry in SAREP's Projects Database on the Web.)

C. Budget and Other Grant Support - (see above: "H")

Section II. Body of Proposal - must not exceed seven single-spaced typewritten pages (10 pt. font or larger)

A. Relevance to SAREP's Mission
B. Relevance to Target Audience (Justification)
C. Goals and Objectives
D. Methods/Activities/Timetable
E. Evaluation
F. Education/Outreach
G. Capabilities of Investigators and Cooperators

Section III. Required Appendices

A. Literature Cited
B. Resumés/CVs
C. Letters of support


Proposal packets must be received by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, May 1, 2003. Proposals received after the deadline will not be reviewed. Proposals will not be accepted via FAX or email. Proposal packets must include:

Proposal packets should be sent to:

UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP)
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8716

Physical location for delivery services (UPS, Federal Express, etc.): DANR Building, Hopkins Road (off Hutchison Road west of Highway 113).

All proposals will be reviewed by members of SAREP's Program and Technical Advisory Committees. These include individuals from farming and ranching, government, public organizations, and institutions of higher education, all of whom are knowledgeable regarding the issues and practices of sustainable agriculture. Where necessary, additional peer review for scientific merit will be sought. Successful applicants will be notified of awards in June 2003. Applicants from outside of the University of California should be aware that additional time is required to initiate a contract in order to award grant funds.


SAREP's Mission Statement:

SAREP provides leadership and support for scientific research and education in agricultural and food systems that are sustainable; that is, are economically viable, conserve natural resources and biodiversity, and enhance the quality of life in the state's communities. SAREP serves farmers, farmworkers, ranchers, researchers, educators, regulators, policy makers, industry professionals, consumers, and community organizations across the state. SAREP is a Statewide Special Program within the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Based on our overall mission and the founding legislation, SAREP has two goals:

If you have any questions, please call Gail Feenstra, food systems analyst, at (530) 752-8408 or gwfeenstra@ucdavis.edu; or Bev Ransom, grants manager at (530) 754-8546 or baransom@ucdavis.edu.

Please consult SAREP's Project Database on the Web (www.sarep.ucdavis.edu/grants/database/) for examples of previously funded projects. More information about SAREP is available in the Biennial Report: 1999-2001, available on SAREP's Web site (www.sarep.ucdavis.edu/pubs/progress/99-01/) or by request at (530) 752-7556.

The University of California prohibits discrimination against or harassment of any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or status as a covered veteran (special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran or any other veteran who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized). University Policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions of applicable State and Federal laws. Inquiries regarding the University's nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Affirmative Action/Staff Personnel Services Director, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 300 Lakeside Dr., 6th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-3550 (510) 987-0096.

Cover Page- UC SAREP 2003 Research & Education Proposals

(This should be the top page of each copy of your proposal.)

Project Title:_________________________________________________________________

Project Topic Area:

___ a. Direct/ regional marketing demonstrations

___ b. Social and economic analyses of food system

Principal Investigator (main contact):
Name: ______________________________

College/University or non-profit org.: ________________________

Mailing Address:_________________________________________________________

Telephone __________________ Email _________________________ FAX _____________

Other Investigators:

Name & Affiliation---------------Mailing Address---------------Telephone-------------------Email




Name & Affiliation---------------Mailing Address---------------Telephone-------------------Email





Budget Total: (Total requested from SAREP) _____________

County(ies) project would be conducted in: ______________

Approval Signatures:
Principal Investigator ___________________________

Office of Research/Representative of Organization ___________________________

for University P.I.s: Department Chair _____________________

or County Director ___________________ and Regional Director _____________________


Click Below to receive cover page template as:

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