National Museum of the USAF
Research Research
The Research Division ensures that timely, relevant and accurate Air Force historical information is presented to the public through a variety of means. The division manages the museum's ever-expanding document and imagery collection, researches and writes exhibit text, and provides historical guidance for exhibit development, aircraft restoration, staff projects and public and media queries. Staff members assist in many other ways, leading tours, delivering talks and participating in media interviews, among other activities.
The Research Division maintains an extensive collection of two-dimensional media as part of a government historical research facility. While primarily providing curatorial and historical research and writing in support of the museum's exhibits and aircraft restoration programs, the division provides limited research assistance to many external organizations and private individuals seeking information about Air Force aircraft, operations and personnel. The Division also serves as the museum's corporate memory by maintaining the museum's historical files and writing its annual history.
Our primary mission of internal support, plus security and staffing considerations, means that the Research Division offers only limited public access. Click here for additional research policies.
Air Force Historical Foundation
Air Force Historical Research Agency
Air Force Historical Studies Office
Defense Visual Information Center
National Air & Space Museum
National Archives
National Museum of Naval Aviation
National Personnel Records Center
Wright Brothers Collection at Wright State University

Photos and information about USAF aircraft

Broad introduction to USAF history

Information about famous USAF personnel
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