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Unscramble the Scrambled Measurement Words!

We've scrambled ten words that we often use when we're describing how NIST helps the United States in science and technology. Print this page and see if you can unscramble them!

To see the answers and definitions for each word, click "answer" at the end of the page. Good luck!

1. stdadsnar
___ t ___ ___ ___ ___ r ___ s

2. seamurenmet
m ___ ___ s ___ r ___ ___ ___ n t

3. tailcarbe
c ___ l ___ ___ ___ ___ t ___

4. careshre
___ e s ___ ___ ___ c h

5. tasmo
___ ___ o m ___

6. ricemt setsym
m ___ t r ___ ___

___ ___ s ___ e m

7. holotencyg
___ e ___ ___ n o ___ ___ ___ y

8. picmooscer
m ___ ___ r ___ s c ___ ___ e

9. ninetert
i n ___ ___ r ___ ___ t

10. karthequea
___ a r ___ ___ ___ u ___ ___ e




Created: May 3, 2001
Last updated:August 15, 2001
Contact: inquiries@nist.gov

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Psst. NIST won an Emmy Award for helping to invent closed captioning for the hearing impaired. Pass it on. -- Mega