[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 7, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 7CFR2.25]

[Page 173-176]
                          TITLE 7--AGRICULTURE
 Subpart C_Delegations of Authority to the Deputy Secretary, the Under 
                  Secretaries and Assistant Secretaries
Sec. 2.25  Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights.

    (a) The following delegations of authority are made by the Secretary 
to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights:
    (1) Provide overall leadership, coordination, and direction for the 
Department's programs of civil rights, including program delivery, 
compliance, and equal employment opportunity, with emphasis on the 
    (i) Actions to enforce Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 
U.S.C. 2000d, prohibiting discrimination in federally assisted programs.
    (ii) Actions to enforce Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 
as amended, 42 U.S.C. 2000e, prohibiting discrimination in Federal 
    (iii) Actions to enforce Title IX of the Education Amendments of 
1972, 20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq., prohibiting discrimination on the basis 
of sex in USDA education programs and activities funded by the 
    (iv) Actions to enforce the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 
U.S.C. 6102, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of age in USDA 
programs and activities funded by the Department.
    (v) Actions to enforce section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 
1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794, prohibiting discrimination against 
individuals with disabilities in USDA programs and activities funded by 
the Department.
    (vi) Actions to enforce section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 
1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794, prohibiting discrimination against 
individuals with disabilities in USDA conducted programs.
    (vii) Actions to enforce related Executive Orders, Congressional 
mandates, and other laws, rules, and regulations, as appropriate.
    (viii) Actions to develop and implement the Department's Federal 
Women's Program.

[[Page 174]]

    (ix) Actions to develop and implement the Department's Hispanic 
Employment Program.
    (2) Evaluate Departmental agency programs, activities, and impact 
statements for civil rights concerns.
    (3) Provide leadership and coordinate Departmental agencies and 
systems for targeting, collecting, analyzing, and evaluating program 
participation data and equal employment opportunity data.
    (4) Provide leadership and coordinate Departmentwide programs of 
public notification regarding the availability of USDA programs on a 
nondiscriminatory basis.
    (5) Coordinate with the Department of Justice on matters relating to 
title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d), title IX of 
the Education Amendments of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681, et seq.), and section 
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794), 
except those matters in litigation, including administrative enforcement 
actions, which shall be coordinated by the Office of the General 
    (6) Coordinate with the Department of Health and Human Services on 
matters relating to the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, 42 U.S.C. 6102, 
except those matters in litigation, including administrative enforcement 
actions, which shall be coordinated by the Office of the General 
    (7) Order proceedings and hearings in the Department pursuant to 
Sec. Sec. 15.9(e) and 15.86 of this title which concern consolidated or 
joint hearings within the Department or with other Federal departments 
and agencies.
    (8) Order proceedings and hearings in the Department pursuant to 
Sec. 15.8 of this title after the program agency has advised the 
applicant or recipient of his or her failure to comply and has 
determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means.
    (9) Issue orders to give a notice of hearing or the opportunity to 
request a hearing pursuant to part 15 of this title; arrange for the 
designation of an Administrative Law Judge to preside over any such 
hearing; and determine whether the Administrative Law Judge so 
designated will make an initial decision or certify the record to the 
Secretary of Agriculture with his or her recommended findings and 
proposed action.
    (10) Authorize the taking of action pursuant to Sec. 15.8(a) of 
this title relating to compliance by ``other means authorized by law.''
    (11) Make determinations required by Sec. 15.8(d) of this title 
that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means, and then take 
action, as appropriate.
    (12) Make determinations that program complaint investigations 
performed under Sec. 15.6 of this title establish a proper basis for 
findings of discrimination, and that actions taken to correct such 
findings are adequate.
    (13) Investigate (or make determinations that program complaint 
investigations establish a proper basis for final determinations), make 
final determinations on both the merits and required corrective action, 
and, where applicable, make recommendations to the Secretary that relief 
be granted under 7 U.S.C. 6998(d) notwithstanding the finality of 
National Appeals Division decisions, as to complaints filed under parts 
15a, 15b, and 15d of this title, except in those cases where the 
Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights has participated in the events that 
gave rise to the matter.
    (14) Conduct civil rights investigations and compliance reviews 
    (15) Develop regulations, plans, and procedures necessary to carry 
out the Department's civil rights programs, including the development, 
implementation, and coordination of Action Plans.
    (16) Monitor, evaluate, and report on agency compliance with 
established policy and Executive Orders which further the participation 
of historically Black colleges and universities, the Hispanic-serving 
institutions, 1994 tribal land grant institutions, and other colleges 
and universities with substantial minority group enrollment in 
Departmental programs and activities.
    (17) Related to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). Is designated as 
the Department's Director of Equal Employment Opportunity with 
    (i) To perform the functions and responsibilities of that position 
under 29 CFR part 1614, including the authority:
    (A) To make changes in programs and procedures designed to eliminate

[[Page 175]]

discriminatory practices and improve the Department's EEO program.
    (B) To provide EEO services for managers and employees.
    (C) To make final agency decisions on EEO complaints by Department 
employees or applicants for employment and order such corrective 
measures in such complaints as may be considered necessary, including 
the recommendation for such disciplinary action as is warranted when an 
employee has been found to have engaged in a discriminatory practice.
    (ii) Administer the Department's EEO program.
    (iii) Oversee and manage the EEO counseling function for the 
    (iv) Process formal EEO complaints by employees or applicants for 
    (v) Investigate Department EEO complaints and make final decisions 
on EEO complaints, except in those cases where the Assistant Secretary 
has participated in the events that gave rise to the matter.
    (vi) Order such corrective measures in EEO complaints as may be 
considered necessary, including the recommendation for such disciplinary 
action as is warranted when an employee has been found to engage in a 
discriminatory practice.
    (vii) Provide liaison on EEO matters concerning complaints and 
appeals with the Department agencies and Department employees.
    (viii) Coordinate the Department's affirmative employment program, 
special emphasis programs, Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment 
Program, EEO evaluations, and development of policy.
    (ix) Provide liaison on EEO programs and activities with the Equal 
Employment Opportunity Commission and the Office of Personnel 
    (18) Maintain liaison with historically Black colleges and 
universities, the Hispanic-serving institutions, 1994 tribal land grant 
institutions, and other colleges and universities with substantial 
minority group enrollment, and assist Department agencies in 
strengthening such institutions by facilitating institutional 
participation in Department programs and activities and by encouraging 
minority students to pursue curricula that could lead to careers in the 
food and agricultural sciences.
    (19) Administer the discrimination appeals and complaints program 
for the Department, including all formal individual or group appeals, 
where the system provides for an avenue of redress to the Department 
level, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or other outside 
    (20) Make final determinations, or enter into settlement agreements, 
on discrimination complaints in federally conducted programs subject to 
the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. This delegation includes the authority 
to make compensatory damage awards whether pursuant to a final 
determination or in a settlement agreement under the authority of the 
Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the authority to obligate agency funds, 
including CCC and FCIC funds to satisfy such an award.
    (21) Make final determinations in proceedings under part 15f of this 
title where review of an administrative law judge decision is 
    (22) Provide civil rights and equal employment opportunity support 
services, with authority to take actions required by law or regulation 
to perform such services for:
    (i) The Secretary of Agriculture.
    (ii) The general officers of the Department.
    (iii) The offices and agencies reporting to the Assistant Secretary 
for Administration.
    (iv) Any other offices or agencies of the Department as may be 
    (23) Related to outreach.
    (i) Develop policy guidelines and implement a Departmental outreach 
program which delivers services to traditionally under-served customers.
    (ii) Develop a strategic outreach plan for the Department which 
coordinates the goals, objectives, and expectations of mission area 
outreach programs.
    (iii) Coordinate the dissemination/communication of all outreach 
information from the Department and its mission areas ensuring its 
transmission to as wide a public spectrum as possible.

[[Page 176]]

    (iv) Serve as the Department's official outreach spokesperson.
    (v) Provide coordination and oversight of agency outreach activities 
including the establishment of outreach councils.
    (vi) Develop a system to monitor the delivery of outreach grants and 
    (vii) Establish requirements and procedures for reporting agency 
outreach status and accomplishments including Departmental reporting 
under the Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and 
Ranchers Program (7 U.S.C. 2279).
    (24) Related to conflict management.
    (i) Designate the senior official to serve as the Department Dispute 
Resolution Specialist under the Administrative Dispute Resolution Act of 
1996, 5 U.S.C. 571, et seq., and provide leadership, direction and 
coordination for the Department's conflict prevention and resolution 
    (ii) Issue Departmental regulations, policies, and procedures 
relating to the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to resolve 
employment complaints and grievances, workplace disputes, Departmental 
program disputes, and contract and procurement disputes.
    (iii) Provide ADR services for:
    (A) The Secretary of Agriculture.
    (B) The general officers of the Department.
    (C) The offices and agencies reporting to the Assistant Secretary 
for Administration.
    (D) Any other officer or agency of the Department as may be agreed.
    (iv) Develop and issue standards for mediators and other ADR 
neutrals utilized by the Department.
    (v) Coordinate ADR activities throughout the Department.
    (vi) Monitor agency ADR programs and report at least annually to the 
Secretary on the Department's ADR activities.
    (25) Redelegate, as appropriate, any authority delegated under this 
section to general officers of the Department and heads of Departmental 
    (b) [Reserved]

[69 FR 34252, June 21, 2004]