Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Terry L. Shaffer

USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
8711 37th Street Southeast
Jamestown, North Dakota 58401

Phone: (701) 253-5522
Fax: (701) 253-5553
Email NPWRC Staff
Research (Principal Investigator),
Jamestown Headquarters


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Professional Experience:

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NPWRC Publications:

Selected Publications:

Davis, S. K., R. M. Brigham, T. L. Shaffer, and P. C. James.  2006.  Mixed-grass passerines exhibit weak and variable responses to patch size.  Auk 123:807-821.

Grant, T. A., E. M. Madden, T. L. Shaffer, P. J. Pietz, G. B. Berkey, and N. J. Kadrmas.  2006.  Nest survival of clay-colored and vesper sparrows in relation to woodland edge in mixed grass prairies.  Journal of Wildlife Management 70:691-701.

Heisey, D. M., T. L. Shaffer, and G. C. White. The ABC's of nest survival: theory and application from a biostatistical perspective. Studies in Avian Biology: In press.

Reynolds, R. E., T. L. Shaffer, C. R. Loesch, and R. R. Cox Jr. The farm bill and duck production in the prairie pothole region: increasing the benefits. Wildlife Society Bulletin: In press.

Seabloom, R. W. and T. L. Shaffer.  2006.  Plains harvest mouse in North Dakota.  Prairie Naturalist 37:247-250.

Shaffer, T. L. and F. R. Thompspon, III. Making meaningful estimates of nest survival with model-based methods. Studies in Avian Biology: In press.

Laubhan, M. K., and T. L. Shaffer. 2006. Seed germination of Cirsium arvense and Lepidium latifolium: implications for management of montane wetlands. Wetlands 26:69-78.

Shaffer, T. L., A. L. Dahl, R. E. Reynolds, K. L. Baer, M. A. Johnson, and G. A. Sargeant. 2006. Determinants of Mallard and Gadwall nesting on constructed islands in North Dakota. Journal of Wildlife Management 70:129-137.

Grant, T. A., T. L. Shaffer, E. M. Madden, and P. J. Pietz. 2005. Time-specific variation in passerine nest survival: new insights into old questions. Auk 122:661-672.

Peak, R. G., F. R. Thompson, III, and T. L. Shaffer. 2004. Factors affecting nest success of songbirds in riparian corridors. Auk 121:726-737.

Rotella, J., S. Dinsmore, and T. Shaffer. 2004. Modeling nest-survival data: a comparison of recently developed methods that can be implemented in MARK and SAS. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27.1:187-205.

Shaffer, T. L. 2004. A unified approach to analyzing nest success. Auk 121:526-540.

Mushet, D. M., N. H. Euliss, Jr., and T. L. Shaffer. 2002. Floristic quality assessment of one natural and three restored wetland complexes in North Dakota, USA. Wetlands 22:126-138.

Reynolds, R. E., T. L. Shaffer, R. W. Renner, W. E. Newton, and B. D. J. Batt. 2001. Impact of the Conservation Reserve Program on duck recruitment in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:765-780.

Johnson, D. H., T. L. Shaffer, and W. E. Newton. 2001. Statistics for wildlifers: how much and what kind? Wildlife Society Bulletin 29:1055-1060.

Shaffer, T. L., and W. E. Newton. 1995. Duck nest success in the prairie potholes. Pages 300-302 in E. T. LaRoe, G. S. Farris, C. E. Puckett, P. D. Doran, and M. J. Mac, eds. Our living resources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems. National Biological Service, Washington, D.C. 530 p.

Shaffer, T. L., and N. P. Groninger. 1995. Double data entry for novice users. Pages 1111-1116 in Proceedings of the 20th Annual SAS Users Group International Conference. Orlando, FL.

Greenwood, R. J., A. B. Sargeant, D. H. Johnson, L. M. Cowardin, and T. L. Shaffer. 1995. Factors associated with duck nest success in the prairie pothole region of Canada. Wildlife Monographs 128.

Cowardin, L. M., T. L. Shaffer, and P. M. Arnold. 1995. Evaluations of duck habitat and estimation of duck population sizes with a remote-sensing-based system. National Biological Service Biological Science Report 2.

Sargeant, A. B., R. J. Greenwood, M. A. Sovada, and T. L. Shaffer. 1993. Distribution and abundance of predators that affect duck production--prairie pothole region. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Resource Publication 194.

Johnson, D. H., T. L. Shaffer, and P. J. Gould. 1993. Incidental catch of marine birds in the north pacific high seas driftnet fisheries in 1990. International North Pacific Fisheries Commission Bulletin 53:473-483.

Johnson, D. H., and T. L. Shaffer. 1990. Estimating nest success: when Mayfield wins. Auk 107:595-600.

Klett, A. T., T. L. Shaffer, and D. H. Johnson. 1988. Duck nest success in the prairie pothole region. Journal of Wildlife Management 52:431-440.

Johnson, D. H., and T. L. Shaffer. 1987. Are mallards declining in North America? Wildlife Society Bulletin 15:340-345.

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