Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Deborah A. Buhl

USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center
8711 37th Street Southeast
Jamestown, North Dakota 58401

Phone: (701) 253-5532
Fax: (701) 253-5553
Email NPWRC Staff
Research Support,
Jamestown Headquarters

Primary Responsibilities:

Current Projects:


Professional Experience:

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NPWRC Publications:

Selected Publications:

Pietz, P. J., Krapu, G. L., Buhl, D. A., and Brandt, D. A. 2000. Effects of water conditions on clutch size, egg volume, and hatchling mass of mallards and gadwalls in the Prairie Pothole Region. Condor 102:936-940.

Greenwood, R. J., Sargeant, A. B., Piehl, J. L., Buhl, D. A., and Hanson, B. A. 1999. Foods and foraging of prairie striped skunks during the avian nesting season. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:823-832.

Pietz, P. J. and Buhl, D. A. 1999. Behaviour patterns of mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) pairs and broods in North Dakota and Minnesota. Wildfowl 50:101-122.

Pietz, P. J., Brandt, D. A., Krapu, G. L., and Buhl, D. A. 1995. Modified transmitter attachment method for adult ducks. Journal of Field Ornithology 66:408-417.

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