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Over 1,000 Cases Now Included in K&L Gates' E-Discovery Case Database
Electronic Discovery Law, 07/03/08
We are pleased to announce that our searchable case database now contains over 1,000 e-discovery cases from state and federal jurisdictions, with new cases being added every week. Now more than ever, our database is an excellent source of information on developing e-discovery case law around the country.

Remove Hidden Metadata from Word Documents
TechnoEsq, 07/02/08
Unfortunately, metadata has curtailed one of the courtesies attorneys in litigation formerly exhibited through providing discovery requests in an electronic format so that opposing counsel didn’t have to have his assistant re-type your requests when answering discovery.

Is E-Mail Evidence Less Persuasive?
EDD Update, 06/20/08
I suppose it says something about your status in life if you are pleased or appalled to see Wall Street titans with eight-figure incomes taken away in handcuffs and booked. It's a bit like the lawyers in Qualcomm v Broadcom: we can identify with them until the lying starts, and then we no longer see ourselves in their moccasins.

Managing an Online Document Review

Electronic discovery projects are, by nature, chaotic. There are eight key steps legal teams should undertake to successfully manage on online document review.

Featured Articles

  • January 13, 2009

    Tech Children – Teach Your Parents Well

    Another year is in the bag, and many of us are bidding good riddance to 2008. Apart from economic turbulence, looking in our 2008 rearview mirror, we see that while technological advances have continued to move forward at warp speed, the law struggles to catch up.
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  • January 09, 2009

    Discovery and Databases: Understanding the Basics of Structured Data in Litigation

    During the past decade, the amount of electronic data created by a typical organization has grown at a staggering rate. Most organizations have responded to this trend by managing critical information-for example, payroll, employee, and contract data-in structured environments like databases and spreadsheets. Electronic discovery, however, often focuses mainly on email and electronic documents, despite the fact that structured data sources frequently contain critical evidence.
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  • January 06, 2009

    E-Discovery: Can't We All Just Get Along?

    Here's the "Grimm" news: Parties and counsel must cooperate when it comes to e-discovery in civil litigation.
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  • December 22, 2008

    Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

    Once upon a time, the thought of spam conjured up notions of processed meat in a can. And while such spam still exists and even is to the liking of some people, these days most people associate spam with unsolicited commercial email. Why? Well, according to the Cisco 2008 Annual Security Report, spam email accounts for nearly 200 billion messages each day, or an astounding 90 percent of email sent worldwide.
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  • December 16, 2008

    Drilling For Federal Information on The Internet

    In prior articles, I have explained that the public can gain access to federal information by submitting requests to government agencies and departments under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In theory at least, requested information will be provided unless an agency or department invokes an exemption justifying withholding of the information.
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