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Latest Quakes
RecentEqs in CA/NV
Map of California & Nevada earthquakes
Image of current NC ShakeMap
Northern California

Image of current SC ShakeMap
Southern California

The California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN) is a partnership among federal, state, and university agencies involved in California earthquake monitoring. The CISN is dedicated to serve the emergency response, engineering, and scientific communities. The CISN is a region of the Advanced National Seismic System.


11/13/2008: Great Southern California ShakeOut

10/22/2008: Conference: Earthquake Hazards in the Eastern San Francisco Bay Area (Oct 22-24)

09/05/2008: Mw 4.0 Alamo, East of San Francisco Bay

07/29/2008: Mw 5.4 near Chino Hills, Los Angeles Basin

02/21/2008: Mw 6.0 near Wells, NV: Moment tensor and Finite Fault

10/30/2007: Mw 5.4 near Alum Rock, Bay Area

Earthquake Information & Products and Services
Example Recenteqs

Recent Earthquakes: maps and lists for the most recent earthquakes.

Example Building damage

Internet Quick Reports: Earthquake engineering reports from the Engineering Data Center

Example ShakeMap

ShakeMaps: maps showing the distribution of ground shaking.

Example news item

Earthquake Special Reports Earthquake seismology reports from CISN Management Centers

Example CIIM image

Did you feel it?: Report your earthquake observations

Example email image

Earthquake Notification by email Sign up for earthquake notification messages

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California Integrated Seismic Network

Part of the Advanced National Seismic System

ANSS logo

Last modified: Tue Nov 18 09:04:22 PST 2008

CGS USGS OES Caltech UC Berkeley