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You are here: Home / Privacy Act Civil Rights / Civil Rights Privacy Act System of Records
Privacy Act

graphic reading, Civil Rights Privacy Act System of Records

The Privacy Act of 1974 protects certain federal government records pertaining to individuals. The Act covers systems of records that an agency maintains and retrieves by an individual's name or other personal identifier (e.g., social security number). A notice of any such system is published in the Federal Register. These notices identify the legal authority for collecting and storing the records, individuals about whom records will be collected, what kinds of information will be collected, and how the records will be used.

Office of Adjudication and Compliance Systems
The Office of Adjudication and Compliance is in the process of updating our notice. If you have any questions concerning this document, please contact the Office of Adjudication and Compliance at 720-5212.

Government Wide Systems used regularly
by the Office of Adjudication and Compliance

Some Federal agencies have responsibility for one or more systems of records that are applicable Government-wide. This negates the need for the Office of Adjudication and Compliance to publish a system notice if it maintains a record under a Government-wide system of records notice.

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See Also
    Frequently Asked Questions
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    USDA Privacy Policy