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Cooperative Planning

The strength of the Habitat Conservation Division is our early participation in ongoing and proposed planning efforts and provision of technical assistance to various programs, agencies, local governments, and private landowners.

Planning efforts in which we participate are numerous, including:
  • General ecosystem-level planning like Coordinated Resource Management Plans (CRMP) and community based watershed planning efforts.
  • Review of water rights proposals.
  • Review of federal, state, and local agency planning and environmental documents.

Coordination with Federal Agencies

The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act provides the basic authority for the Service's involvement in evaluating impacts to fish and wildlife from proposed water resource development projects.


The three branches of the Habitat Conservation Division coordinate with Federal agencies that construct, license or permit water resource development projects:

National Environmental Policy Act

We review and comment to federal agencies, including other programs in the Fish and Wildlife Service, on planning processes and documentation associated with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

We participate in NEPA processes and facilitates completion of associated documentation, permitting, and compliance processes.


Photo, Sacramento River  levee © CA Dept. of Water Resources
Sacramento River

Learn More About Central Valley
Habitat Trends

Looking for Habitat Conservation Plans? (HCPs) Visit our national HCP Page

 Credits: Sacramento River levee © California Dept. of Water Resources

Contact us: Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, 2800 Cottage Way, Room W-2605, Sacramento, California 95825

Phone (916) 414-6600 ~ FAX (916) 414-6713

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