Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office


Species of Concern

Species of Concern is an informal term

It is not defined in the federal Endangered Species Act. The term commonly refers to species that are declining or appear to be in need of conservation.

Many agencies and organizations maintain lists of at-risk species. (See side bar) These lists provide essential information for land management planning and conservation efforts.

The Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office no longer maintains Species of Concern list.

Avoiding Listing

The best way to help at-risk species is to help them recover before they decline to the point where they need formal protection.

We take an active role with our partners, stakeholders and other knowledgeable people to identify and conserve sensitive species, identify research needs and set priorities for recovery.

Our Partnerships Program provides grants and other assistance to individuals and groups engaged in local, private, voluntary conservation efforts. This can include conservation of at-risk species.

Section 6 grants to states and territories can be used for unlisted species under habitat conservation plans.

Recovery Plans

Our recovery plans typically include sensitive unlisted species. We recommend that you consult the following plans when working in applicable ecosystems:

Chaparral and Scrub Community Species East of San Francisco Bay (PDF 3MB)

Coastal Plants of the Northern San Francisco Peninsula (PDF 5.8MB)

Gabbro Soil Plants of the Central Sierra Nevada Foothills (PDF 5.4MB)

Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Native Fishes (PDF 17MB)

Serpentine Soil Species of the San Francisco Bay Area (PDF 25MB)

Upland Species of the San Joaquin Valley (PDF 34MB)

Vernal Pool Ecosystems web page.

Lists of At-Risk Species

Fish & Wildlife Service
· Birds of Conservation Concern (PDF 1MB).
· Candidate Conservation Program

Bureau of Land Management
California State Office
· Sensitive Animal List (PDF 21KB)
· Special Status Plant Program
· Sensitive Plant List (PDF 180KB)

Forest Service
Pacific SW Region Sensitive Species information.

NOAA Fisheries Service
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.
· Species of Concern
· Protected Species

Marine Mammal Commission
Marine Mammal Species of Special Concern

The following are not Federal government web sites. See our disclaimer.

Audubon Society
Watch List

California Dept of Fish & Game

Biogeographic Data Branch

· Special Plant List (PDF 337KB)

· Endangered, Threatened & Rare Plants (PDF 147)

· Special Animal List (PDF 176KB)

· Special Invertebrates

· Endangered & Threatened Animals (PDF 70KB)

· Fully Protected Animals

California Native Plant Society
Inventory of Rare & Endangered Plants of California

Natural heritage network

Last updated: June 11, 2008

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