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New to Organic?
OFRF answers Frequently Asked Questions about Organic
What is organic farming? What does "certified" organic mean? Answers to frequently asked questions about organic food and farming.

Organic Price Reporting Services

MOSES Toll-free
Organic Transition Hotline

The Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES), in Spring Valley, Wisconsin, hosts a toll-free Farmer Transition Hotline 888-551-4769 (GROW) for Midwest producers interested in making the transition to organic production.

Organic Certifiers Guide
OFRF and The NewFarm have collaborated to produce the Organic Certifiers Guide, where farmers can find detailed information about organic certifiers accredited by the USDA National Organic Program. Farmers can use the guide to identify certifiers that serve a particular state or region, to compare certification cost structures and services provided, and much more....

Special: Organic Dairy Resource Page for Farmers
Featuring research and Extension, non-profit groups and support programs, books and online publications, and economic studies
Southern Organic Resource Guide
produced by
the Independent Organic Inspectors Association and the
National Center for Appropriate Technology, in collaboration with USDA's Risk Management agency

Resources from ATTRA:
Organic Market Farm Documentation Forms
The 23 forms in this package developed in 2006 are provided as tools that market gardeners and produce farmers can use for documenting practices, inputs, and activities that demonstrate compliance with regulations, or that assist in other aspects of farm record keeping.

OMRI Organic Seed Database Online
OMRI has recently introduced an online, organic seed listing service for farmers seeking organic seed, and for suppliers wishing to list organic seed for sale.

ERS Organic Operations and Acreage Date for 2005
December 2006 - The USDA Economic Research Service has released updated U.S. organic operations and acreage data for 2005. For the first time, all 50 States in the U.S. had some certified organic farmland. More...

New organic strawberry cost study released
A new addition has been made to UC Davis's Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics series of cost studies, this one on sample costs to produce organic strawberries. View the report here.

Virginia Association for Biological Farming Information Sheets
Mark Schonbeck with VABF has authored three new information sheets that are available free through the group's website. One information sheet, Cover Crops for All Seasons, is co-authored by scientist Ron Morse. It provides an overview of 20 types of cover crops and the roles they can play in reduced tillage organic cropping systems. Other titles are Caring for the Soil as a Living System and Cover Cropping: On-Farm, Solar-Powered Soil Building. All three information sheets may be found at http://www.vabf.org/publications.php

Image of Southern Organic Resource Guide Cover

ODairy Listserve
Odairy is a electronic mailing group formed to allow organic dairy producers to interact by email. ODAIRY was created by NODPA (Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance) in 2002. It is a forum for organic dairy farmers, transitioning farmers, and farmers interested in organic production methods; service providers including veterinarians, those involved in production and sales of organic dairy products & supplies, University Extension, researchers, NRCS and Agriculture Agency staff; Those involved in milk marketing and distribution; and Consumers.

Michigan Organic ListserveMichigan growers seeking information and ideas on organic farming may join the Michigan Organic Listserve, or search the listserve archives. The Mich-Organic listserve is operated by Michigan State University.

Symposium Proceedings from the
Plant Management Network:

Organic Agriculture: Innovations in Organic Marketing, Technology, and Research
October 2005 -- Washington, D.C.
A total of 18 presentations across six themes are explored including 1) challenges remaining in the organic sector, 2) producer options and obstacles, 3) market growth, 4) the training of farmers and other agricultural professionals, 5) measuring and communicating the benefits of organic farming, and 6) research.

Report and Recommendations on Organic Farming
A landmark report originially produced by the USDA Study Team on Organic Farming in 1980. This document, recently published digitally by USDA's Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, remains "relevant and important as the agricultural community continues to search for environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially sustainable farming solutions." (AFSIC). Download the pdf file here.


About organic (FAQs)

Web links

Staff Presentations
PowerPoints and talks given by members of the OFRF staff