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Image of Information Bulletin No. 16 cover

The Information Bulletin newsletter The Information Bulletin newsletter delivers the results (by U.S. mail) of OFRF-funded research projects and information about our programs to a diverse audience, including more than 10,000 certified organic farmers throughout the U.S.

Information Bulletin No. 16
Fall 2008

Information Bulletin archives...

Image of NORA cover

The 2007 National Organic Research Agenda, published in April 2007, presents a catalogue of research needs for organic agriculture. Based on a series of scientist/producer meetings held by the Scientific Congress on Organic Agricultural Research (SCOAR), this volume emphasizes topics related to soils, systemic management of plant pests, organic livestock and poultry management, and breeding and genetics.

Link to the complete document here.

To order CD-ROMs or print copies of 2007 NORA click here.

State of the States, 2nd Edition State of the States, 2nd Edition updates the original report released by OFRF in 2001. SOS II catalogues organic research, education, and extension projects currently in place at the nation’s 68 public land grant agriculture schools, and at public research stations and through Cooperative Extension.

Fourth National Organic Farmers' Survey Results Since 1993, OFRF has conducted four nationwide surveys of certified organic farmers. The Fourth National Organic Farmers' Survey: Sustaining Organic Farms in a Changing Organic Marketplace, published in 2004, gathered information on a wide variety of topics related to organic markets and marketing.


Investing in Organic

In 2005, OFRF evaluated the impact of our grantmaking program on farmers, research institutions, and the base of knowledge about organic production systems. Details are reported in Investing in Organic Knowledge:
Impacts of the First 13 Years of the Organic Farming Research Foundation's Grantmaking Program


Searching for the 'O-Word'

Searching for the 'O-Word', published in 1997, is the result of a two-year study to assess the "organic content" of USDA's agricultural research portfolio and the policy issues related to organic farming research.



2007 National Organic Research Agenda

Information Bulletin

State of the States

National Organic Farmers' Survey Results

Investing in Organic Knowledge

Searching for the 'O-Word'

OFRF-funded project reports