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OFRF Policy Programs

OFRF's Policy Program addresses public policy issues that are related to the foundation's overall mission. We conduct analysis of policy issues and provide education to inform the development of public policies that promote organic farming practices.

Join OFRF's Organic Farmers Action Network
By joining OFAN you'll receive free, periodic policy updates, which will help you effectively communicate with Congress on policy issues that
affect organic farmers and ranchers.

Federal Legislation for Organic Agriculture
Find out more about OFRF policy initiatives and information about key federal funding programs in support of organic agriculture. Congress has recently passed the 2008 Farm Bill. Learn what's at stake for organic farmers.

Help Educate Congress about Organic Agriculture
Urge Your Representative to Join the Organic Caucus

OFRF on the Hill

OFRF Board President Steve Ela with Representive John Salazar
Colorado organic fruit producer and OFRF Board President Steve Ela visits with Colorado Representative John Salazar on Capitol Hill, March 2006

New paper outlines social and economic research agendas for organic agriculture

A short paper by Dr. Kate Clancy with support of the Organic Farming Research Foundation helps outline a future publication on social and economic research needs for organic agriculture, as part of the National Organic Research Agendas (NORA) series. Click here to download Towards a Socioeconomic Research Agenda for Organic and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems: Preliminary Assessment of Topics. NORA is a product of the Scientific Congress on Organic Agricultural Research (SCOAR).

Farm Aid policy panel

Keeping the Family Farm in Organic Farming, a discussion statement by Karen Anderson of NOFA-NJ and Mark Lipson, OFRF.


Organic Farmers Action Network

Federal Legislation

Congressional Organic Caucus

OFRF Policy Statements

Biotechnology and Organic

Policy Internship