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Coal Databases

Coal Production Data Files contain mining operation identificational information [operation name, mailing address, telephone number, state and county of operation, etc.], annual coal production, and code definitions. Files are available in xls format or in self-extracting files that expand into a DBF file and an ASCII readme.txt [contains code definitions].

Year Title Formats
2007 CoCoal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union Status, and Average Number of Employees and Hours
2006 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union Status, and Average Number of Employees and Hours
2005 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union Status, and Average Number of Employees and Hours
2004 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union Status, and Average Number of Employees and Hours
2003 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union Status, and Average Number of Employees and Hours
2002 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union Status, and Average Number of Employees and Hours
2001 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union Status, and Average Number of Employees and Hours
2000 N/A
1999 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union, Status, and Employee Hours
1998 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, Union, Status, and Employee Hours
1997 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, and Union Status
1996 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, and Union Status
1995 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, and Union Status
1994 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, and Union Status
1993 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, and Union Status
1992 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, and Union Status
1991 Coal Production by MSHA ID, Mine Operation, and Union Status

U.S.Coal Reserves for 1997. Quantities and quality of resources and recoverable coal in the United States that meet specific criteria of reliability and minability. Data Bases for 1997, notes and instructions ( File Size: 39 k) Two Self-extracting DBF files.

Coal Transportation: Rates and Trends in the United States This report offers Excel spreadsheets and data graphs that can be used to address some of the questions often asked about transporting coal. These data files on coal transportation rates and costs of coal at mines have been aggregated to a level that does not disclose individual company data.

The Coal Transportation Rate Database. This Coal Transportation Rate Database (CTRDB) adds new data for 2000 and 2001. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Form 580 "interrogatories" are the primary source for the CTRD.