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Student Organizations
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Participation in the College of Agriculture student organizations allows students to develop leadership skills, become acquainted with faculty and other students, and make valuable contacts with alumni groups. Contact any of the advisers for more information including meeting dates.


Agriculture Student Council
     The Ag Council was developed to maintain a functional body for coordinating and promoting the advancement of agricultural organizations at Auburn University.
Activities include hosting several annual Ag Hill events such as the Ag Hill Picnic and the Ag Hill Blood Drive.
     The Council is composed of the president, vice-president, and senator elected by the students of the College of Agriculture and two representatives of each recognized agricultural organization.
Adviser: Bill Alverson E-mail

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Ag Ambassadors
     Ag Ambassadors is a select group of agricultural students dedicated to enhancing the image of the College of Agriculture and Auburn University. They serve as official representatives of the College, the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Ag Alumni Association.
     Activities include recruiting quality high school and junior college students for the College.
     Applications are mailed to qualifying students in the spring of each year, and membership is based on an application/interview process.
Adviser: Bill Hardy E-mail

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Agronomy Club
     The Agronomy Club is a student division of the American Society of Agronomy and participates in numerous events sponsored by that organization including regional and national meetings.
     Other activities include a soil judging team, sweet corn sale, sod sale, and sponsoring "Teacher of the Year” for the Agronomy and Soils Department.
     Anyone with an interest in agronomy is invited to attend.
Adviser: David Weaver E-mail

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Alpha Zeta

     Alpha Zeta is the honor fraternity of the College. This organization offers membership to both men and women enrolled in agricultural curriculums at Auburn University who are in the academic upper 20 percent of their major.

     Alpha Zeta sponsors many service projects such as community garden plots, which are available to those in the Auburn area.
Adviser: Stephen Schmidt E-mail

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American Fisheries Society

     The Auburn Chapter of the American Fisheries Society is open to any student interested in fisheries or aquacultures.

     The club participates in Adopt-A-Stream and Adopt-A-Mile programs as well as presenting wildlife conservation programs at local elementary schools.
Adviser: Allen Davis E-mail

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American Society of Agricultural Engineers (ASAE)

     Biosystems Engineering students are active in the student branch of ASAE, the society for engineering in agricultural, food, forest, and biological systems. They participate in many activities on and off campus. These include competing in the international quarter-scale tractor design competition and participating in regional and international ASAE meetings.

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Auburn Young Farmers

     The Auburn Young Farmers seek to develop leadership training and experience; expand varied interests of young, rural Alabamians; create awareness of the problems that face today’s young farmers; promote better understanding of agribusiness; broaden the understanding about the organization, operation, and policies of the Alabama Farmers Federation; and give Alabama’s young farmers the opportunity to have a vital voice in Alabama and its government.

     In addition to regular meetings, activities include Youth Leadership Camps, charity drives, Ag Hill and campus activities, and other fun events.
For more information contact Bill Hardy E-mail

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Block & Bridle Club

     The Auburn University Block and Bridle Club is a non-profit, special interest club based in the Animal Science Department. The club's focus is on animal agriculture along with other fun events.

     Some of the annual events include attending the B&B National Convention, the Little International Livestock Show, Ag Olympics, and many others. Meets on Thursdays.

Adviser: Dale Coleman E-mail

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Collegiate 4-H Club

     The Collegiate 4-H Club strives for good relations between its members, Auburn University, Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES), and the public.

     The club is affiliated with ACES and provides leadership and assistance in state and local 4-H events.

     Meetings are open to any interested student.

Adviser: Tony Cook E-mail

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Collegiate FFA

     Continuing with the principles of the FFA organization, the Auburn chapter strives to create interest in agriculture and agricultural education.

     Collegiate FFA sponsors a variety of recreational and educational activities for students. The club also participates in service-oriented projects with high school students throughout the state, such as steer shows and agribusiness endeavors.

Adviser: Dr. Sherman E-mail

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F.S. Arant Entomology Club

     The F.S. Arant Entomology Club provides an opportunity for people interested in insects and other arthropods to meet and socialize.

Adviser: Gary Mullen E-mail

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Gamma Sigma Delta

      The Auburn Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta began in 1916 and is the honorary society of the College of Agriculture. Offices are held by faculty members. Seniors and graduate students are elected to membership by the faculty in the fall and spring. Membership is based on scholastics as well as leadership in agricultural endeavors.

Adviser: Keith Cummins E-mail

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Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)

     Started in 1997, the Auburn University student chapter of the GCSAA is open to any student with an interest in turfgrass or golf course management. The club meets regularly to hear invited speakers, play golf, or conduct fund-raising activities.

     Members must join the GCSAA paying a yearly membership fee.

Adviser: Beth Guertal E-mail

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Auburn University Horseman's Club

      This club is open to all students who have an interest in horses or related activities. Although owning a horse is not required, members are able to learn about horses in fun and exciting ways and meet people with similar interests.

     This club is open to all horse enthusiasts.

Advisers: Greg Williams E-mail

Cindy McCall E-mail

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Horticulture Forum

     Horticulture Forum is an active part of the College of Agriculture, both on campus and in the community. Horticulture Forum’s main objective it to promote fellowship and further educational opportunities in the field of horticulture. Some of their activities include hosting an alumni reunion and faculty appreciation luncheon as well as attending the Associated Landscape Contractors of American annual career days.

Advisers: Joseph Kemble  E-mail

Raymond Kessler  E-mail

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Minorities in Agricultural Natural Resources (MANRRS)

     MANRRS provides a framework for the academic, professional, and social development of minority students within the fields of agriculture and related areas.

     Membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students as well as current employees.

Adviser: James Brown E-mail

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National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA)

     NAMA established its Auburn chapter in 1992 to represent students interested in careers in agriculture and agribusiness.

     The purpose of the chapter is to help students develop skills in leadership, marketing, and communications, and to connect them with the career contract network through professional programs, field trips, industry speakers, and other special projects.

     Since the emphasis of the club is on career development, membership in NAMA is open to all students in all majors.

Adviser: Bob Nelson E-mail

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Pi Alpha Xi

      Pi Alpha Xi is an honorary society for floriculture, landscape, and ornamental horticulture to recognize students with high scholastic attainment.

     The society sponsors flower judging and floral design teams and attends the annual national convention.

     Members are accepted fall and spring with a minimum 2.5 GPA.

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Poultry Science Club

     The Poultry Science Club was developed in order to expose students to the poultry industry and strengthen relations with the departmental faculty.

     Some of the club’s activities include multiple smoked bird sales, a chick incubation project for local elementary schools, and sponsorship of the Tallapoosa County Sheriff’s Girls Ranch. The club also helps recruit qualified students into the College.

      Membership is open to any one interested in any part of the poultry industry.

Adviser: Roger Lien E-mail

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Pre-Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA)

     PVMA is a group of dedicated pre-vet students brought together by a common interest in veterinary medicine and their love of animals. The purpose of PVMA is to stimulate student interest in veterinary medicine; familiarize students with the expectations associated with pre-veterinary and veterinary education and the veterinary profession; and to build strong friendships among pre-vet students.

     Some of the club’s activities include panel discussions with current vet students and dinner outings.

     The group transcends differences in majors and even colleges within the University.

Advisers: Jan Steiss E-mail

Brenda Griffin E-mail

Larry Wit E-mail

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Soil and Water Conservation Society

     The student chapter of the Soils and Water Conservation Society, SWCS is a professional organization that advocates the wise use of resources.

     Activities include educational projects at local elementary schools, a riparian area restoration project, and annual flower bulb sales.

     The organization is open to undergraduate and graduate students in all majors.

Advisers: Mary Miller-Goodman E-mail

Jim Baier E-mail

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