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Plans & Procedures


ADEP General Administrative Plans & Procedures Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-DIR-QAP-0001, R2 Quality Assurance Plan for the Environmental Programs 04/15/2008
EP-DIR-QAP-0002, R0 Quality Plan Implementation Matrices for the Environmental Programs Directorate 06/11/2007
SOP-0002 Environmental Subcontracts Management 10/21/2008
EP-ERSS-SOP-4005, R0 Peer Review Process 3/23/2007
EP-DIR-SOP-5006, R0 Control of Measurement and Test Equipment 6/11/2007
EP-DIR-SOP-8001, R0 Inspection, Test, and Acceptance 6/11/2007
EP-WES-SOP-4006, R0 Review of Projects for Impacts to Potential Release Sites (PRS) 2/11/2008
EP-ERSS-SOP-5128, R0 Development, Review, and Documentation of Numerical Models 1/25/2008
ENV-MAQ-226, R2 Loaning Radiation Survey Equipment to NON-LANL Organizations 2/18/2005
ENV-MAQ-232, R3 Preparation of the Annual Environmental Surveillance Report 12/12/2005
ADEP Documents & Records Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-DIR-SOP-4001, R4 Document Control 5/14/2008
EP-DIR-SOP-4003, R2 Records Management 5/8/2008
EP-DIR-SOP-4004, R1 IPC1 Records Transmittal and Retrieval Processes 5/8/2008
SOP-4006, R0 Document Development and Deliverables Compliance 1/6/2009
SOP-4007 Procedure Development 11/4/2008
QP-4.12, R0 Documenting Oral Communications 11/25/2002
ADEP Personnel Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-DIR-SOP-2011, R3 Personnel Training and Qualification 4/10/2008
ADEP Monitoring, Surveillance, and Oversight Programs Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-WSP-QAPP-1002, R0 QAPP for the Federal Facility Compliance Agreement/Administrative Order Project 5/2/2007 
ENV-WQH-QAPP-GSWSED, R1 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Sediment Monitoring Program 8/17/2004
ADEP Event Reporting Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
RRES-ES-101, R0 Regulatory Reporting of Releases or Events 9/9/2004
QP-5.8, R1 Identification, Documentation, and Reporting of Newly-Identified Potential Release Sites 5/5/2004
QP-5.9, R1 Reporting Newly-Discovered Releases from Solid Waste Management Units 5/5/2004


ADEP Chain of Custody Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-ERSS-SOP-5085, R0 Chain-of-Custody for Analytical Data Record Packages 2/9/2007
ADEP General Fieldwork Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
SOP-5181, R0 Notebook Documentation for Waste & Environmental Services Technical Field Activities 6/17/2008
EP-ERSS-SOP-5018, R0 Integrated Fieldwork Planning and Authorization 6/7/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5055, R0 General Instructions for Field Investigations 2/9/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5056, R0 Sample Containers and Preservation 10/16/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5058, R0 Sample Control and Field Documentation 2/9/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5060, R0 Operational Guidelines for Taking Soil and Water Samples in Explosive Areas 2/9/2007
ENV-MAQ-241, R1 Operation of the Portable Generator 11/14/2005
ENV-WQH-SOP-051, R0 Site Access Vehicle Use 4/7/2005
RRES-WQH-SOP-004, R4 Radio and Cellular Phone Usage 6/29/2004
RRES-WQH-SOP-013, R5 Pontoon Boat Use 10/11/2004
RRES-WQH-SOP-040, R0 TA-64 Field Operations Building 5/19/2004
RRES-WQH-SOP-042, R1 Hand and Portable Power Tool Use 6/30/2004
RRES-ES-Driving, R0 Driving and Towing Safety for All Employees 8/6/2004
RRES-ES-Field, R0 General Field Safety for All Employees 8/6/2004
EP-ERSS-SOP-5059, R0 Field Quality Control Samples 2/9/2007
SOP-01.12, R0 ICN2 Field Site Closeout Checklist 8/17/2005
QP-5.4, R0 Obtaining Access Agreements for Non-DOE-Owned Property 8/31/2000
ADEP GIS Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-ERSS-SOP-5014, R0 Access to ADEP Geospatial Repositories 7/16/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5028, R0 Coordinating and Evaluating Geodetic Surveys 2/9/2007
ENV-WQH-SOP-068, R0 Global Positioning System (GPS) Data Preparation and Collection 2/27/2006
QP-5.10, R1 Change Control for Spatial Features 5/7/2004
ADEP Physical & Chemical Analyses Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-ERSS-SOP-5031, R0 Leaching of Soil and Rock Samples for Anions 2/9/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5042, R0 Operation of Siemens D-500 X-Ray Diffractometers 2/9/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5047, R0 X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis 2/9/2007
ENV-MAQ-257, R1 Determining Water Content of Silica Gel using the Lindberg Furnace 4/14/2006
SOP-09.04, R1 Calibration and Alignment of the Siemens Diffractometers 4/11/2001
SOP-09.05, R1 Clay Mineral Separation for X-Ray Diffraction Analysis 4/11/2001
SOP-09.11, R0 Petrography 12/16/2003
ADEP Site Survey/Screening Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-ERSS-SOP-5048, R0 Screening for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Soil 2/9/2007
SOP-10.14, R0 Performing and Documenting Gross Gamma Radiation Scoping Surveys 3/28/2001
ADEP Transportation, Shipping, and Handling of Samples Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-ERSS-SOP-5095, R0 Shipping of Environmental Samples by the ERSS Sample Management Office (SMO) 2/9/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5057, R0 Handling, Packaging, and Transporting Field Samples 10/16/2007
ADEP Waste Management Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-ERSS-SOP-5022, R0 Characterization and Management of Environmental Restoration (ER) Project Waste 7/31/2007
SOP-06.15, R1 Coliwasa Sampler for Liquids and Slurries 12/13/2001
SOP-06.19, R1 Weighted Bottle Sampler for Liquids and Slurries in Tanks 12/13/2001


ADEP Solids, Soils & Sediment Sample Collection Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
EP-ERSS-SOP-5027, R0 Geomorphic Characterization 2/9/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5040, R0 Subsurface Moisture Measuring using a Neutron Probe 2/9/2007
EP-ERSS-SOP-5074, R0 Sampling for Sub-Atmospheric Air 2/9/2007
ENV-WQH-SOP-012, R6 Active Channel and Reservoir Bottom Sediment Collection 11/22/2005
SOP-06.09, R2 Spade and Scoop Method for Collection of Soil Samples 1/14/2004
SOP-06.10, R3 IPC1 Hand Auger and Thin-Wall Tube Sampler 4/9/2007
SOP-5194, R0 Chip Sampling of Porous Surfaces 10/9/2008
SOP-06.33, R0 Headspace Vapor Screening with a Photo Ionization Detector 9/13/2004


ADEP Soil, Foodstuffs, and Biota Sampling & Processing Top of page
Procedure Identifier Title Effective
QAPP-0001, R0 Quality Assurance Project Plan for the Soil, Foodstuffs, and Biota Monitoring Project 2/26/2008
SOP-5132, R0 Collection of Soil and Vegetation Samples for the Environmental Surveillance Program 2/26/2008
SOP-5134, R0 Produce Sampling 2/26/2008
SOP-5135, R0 Fish Sampling 2/26/2008
SOP-5136, R0 Game Animal Sampling 2/26/2008
SOP-5137, R0 Processing Biota Samples for Analysis 2/26/2008
SOP-5139, R0 Sampling Soil and Vegetation at Facility Sites 2/26/2008
RRES-MAQ-513, R0 Posting of Soil Contamination Areas 12/10/2002

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