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2009 Advertising Rates

Journal of the Medical Library Association


Published quarterly: January, April, July, October. Circulation 4,000.

MLA's peer-reviewed, scholarly journal is the definitive source of information about the latest technologies and innovations in the health information field. Regular features include research on health information retrieval, operation of medical and consumer health libraries, book and electronic resources reviews, historical notes, special reports, letters to the editor, guest editorials, and editor's opinion.

JMLA Rates

Black & white
Black & white
Full page $2,900 $2,730 $2,010 $1,900
Half page 2,270 2,160 1,390 1,290
Quarter page 2,060 1,960 1,180 1,080
Special positions *(full page only)
1. Covers-color only
Inside front cover $3,400 $3,200 not available
Inside back cover 3,300 3,100
Back cover 3,400 3,200
2. Page i 3,400 3,200
3. Opposite TOC 3,200 3,000 2,300 2,100
4. All other guaranteed positions 3,100 2,950 2,200 2,050

* Other special positions are available. For positions, contact Barbara Redmond, 312.419.9094 x26.

Circulation figures are verified by the publisher's sworn statement and the association's membership database. Rates effective January–December 2009.

Space reservation closing dates: Artwork is due the 15th of the month of closing.

Issue Closing
January November 5
April February 5
July May 5
October August 5

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