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Promote Your Community

Perhaps the only time Kansans abandon their typical Midwestern modesty is when they brag about their hometowns – and rightfully so. From Lawrence in the northeast to Garden City in the southwest, Kansas boasts some of the best communities in the country. Nobody knows this better than the residents of Kansas’ cities and towns, who routinely partner with Commerce to promote their communities as great places to live, work, and travel. By utilizing Commerce funds, market research tools, and public relations strategies, community leaders can attract tourists and new residents, as well as new businesses and investment, all of which improve the community’s quality of life.

Contact Programs/Resources

Attraction Development Grants:
Provides assistance in the development of new tourist attractions or the enhancement of existing attractions within the state of Kansas. (More...)

Business Recruitment Cooperative Marketing Program:
The Business Recruitment Cooperative Marketing Program offers matching funds encouraging local, regional, or statewide development organizations to initiate business recruitment marketing efforts. (More...)

Community Capacity Building Grant Program:
The Community Capacity Building grant program provides funds for collaborative community development planning activities in cities or counties with fewer than 50,000 residents. (More...)

Community Development Block Grants:
This program distributes nearly $20 million in federal annual funds to Kansas communities in the categories of: Community Improvement, Economic Development, Urgent Needs, Housing, and Kansas Small Towns Environment Program (KAN STEP). (More...)

Group Tour Marketing:
Commerce continues to increase promotion of Kansas as a tourism destination to the group tour market. (More...)

Incentives Without Walls:
These funds are available to designated Kansas Main Street downtown areas and may be used for a variety of downtown business needs. (More...)

International Tourism Marketing:
The International Tourism Marketing program assists domestic and international tour operators and travel agents in their efforts to create and promote individual tour packages, as well as generate positive media coverage of Kansas by working with international travel media. (More...)

Kansas Main Street Program:
The Kansas Main Street program helps community volunteers revitalize their town or city’s historic business district. (More...)

Kansas PRIDE:
The goal of PRIDE is to maximize community and economic development efforts by encouraging all groups to coordinate and work collaboratively for community betterment. (More...)

Office of Rural Opportunity:
The Office of Rural Opportunity is designed to spur rural development in Kansas communities of 5,000 or less by serving as a contact point for rural communities seeking assistance in the development of strategic plans to attract businesses, workers and investment. (More...)

Rural Business Development Tax Credits:
This program provides tax credits to encourage individuals and businesses to invest in regional foundations throughout the state. (More...)

Small Communities Improvement Program:
The Small Communities Improvement Program sets aside $500,000 each year for small communities that are undertaking improvement projects through sweat equity and volunteerism. The program is designed to assist communities with populations of 5,000 or less that are not eligible for other Department of Commerce assistance and might not have the capacity to provide matching funds. (More...)

Tourism Attraction Signage Program:
The Tourism Attraction Signage Program was developed to increase awareness for travelers and residents of tourism operations and attractions. The program defines the eligibility, use, design, and authority for Limited Supplemental Guide Signs within the State of Kansas. These Limited Supplemental Guide Signs are official brown guide signs approaching interchanges on freeways and expressways, and intersections on expressways and two-lane conventional highways. (More...)

Tourism Marketing Grant Program:
The Marketing Grant Program is designed to provide financial assistance to organizations that are expanding their marketing through innovative, dedicated advertising and marketing. Grants will be awarded to cover 40 percent of a project’s cost up to $3,500 for an individual project. (More...)

Promote Your Community with the Brand Image Toolkit