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The Energy Planning & Instream Flow Branch of the Habitat Conservation Division . . .

fish shaped bullet  assists the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in the review and licensing or re-licensing of numerous non-Federal hydropower projects.  

fish shaped bullet  provides intensive involvement in multi-party negotiations aimed at balancing the needs for power generation, fish and wildlife habitat protection and preservation, and recreational opportunities.  

fish shaped bullet  provides technical expertise and working closely with other Fish and Wildlife Service, Federal, and State agency staff in evaluating the adequacy of instream flows to protect and preserve anadromous and resident fisheries.

The hydropower licensing process provides the Service with a critical role in pursuing the restoration of the nation's wetlands, waterways, and watersheds through its various programs in collaboration with our partners.

Opportunities include restoring river flows, protection of fish and wildlife habitat, protection of listed species, provision of fish passage to reconnect fragmented river habitats, and fish and wildlife restoration.

This effort  integrates many of the Service's programs and has a long tradition of fostering collaboration with the regulated community and our partners to accomplish common ecosystem conservation and restoration goals.

The program success requires a long-term project planning commitment (the FERC licensing process averages 7 years to complete) to reap long-term fish and wildlife benefits (30-50 years).

Mokelumne River,© California Department of Water Resources
Mokelumne River

Instream Flow Reports for 2003
Earlier reports are located on the Fish & Wildlife Service's Anadromous Fish Restoration Program office in Stockton at

 Credits: Mokelumne River,© California Department of Water Resources

Contact us: Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office, 2800 Cottage Way, Room W-2605, Sacramento, California 95825

Phone (916) 414-6600 ~ FAX (916) 414-6713

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