U S Fish and Wildlife Service

Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office


Map Room

Critical Habitat

The following are some guides to maps that appeared the Federal Register.

KML maps for easy viewing in Google Earth, ArcGIS Explorer and other programs. (For more, see our KML Critical Habitat Maps page.

Project developers seeking precise geospacial data are referred to our national Critical Habitat Mapper.

Conservation Banks

View Conservation Bank Service Areas. KML files are available for most banks.

Places to See Rare Species

Places Where Kids (and Adults) Can See Rare Species in Northern California

U.S.G.S. 7.5 Minute Quads

Our species lists are based on U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute quads. See our quad-finder page.


The Service's National Wetland Inventory maps are now available online. Unless you are familiar with online GIS maps, we recommend that you start with the tutorial.

The Wetlands Inventory data is now available as KML files. National Wetlands Inventory KMZ files. This page also has more info on KML/KMZ files.

California Department of Fish & Game

Biogeographic Data Branch

Other Links

For anadromous fish (e.g. chinook salmon) and other ocean species, go to the NOAA Fisheries Service critical habitat GIS Data page.

NationalAtlas.gov - A very user-friendly national map portal.

GeoData.gov is the National cross-agency portal for geographic information.

U.S. Geological Survey has many online and paper maps.

CalFish Fish Data & Maps

Map of Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office Service Area

Our Service Area

Map & Directions
to Our Office

GIS Branch

(916) 414-6600
Geographic Information Systems

Last updated: October 24, 2008

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