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HEPAP Publications

"Discovering the Quantum Universe"

Discovering The Quantum UniverseRight now is a time of radical change in particle physics. Recent experimental evidence demands a revolutionary new vision of the universe. Discoveries are at hand that will stretch the imagination with new forms of matter, new forces of nature, new dimensions of space and time. Breakthroughs will come from the next generation of particle accelerators — the Large Hadron Collider, now under construction in Europe, and the proposed International Linear Collider. Experiments at these accelerators will revolutionize your concept of the universe.

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Visit the Discovering the Quantum Universe Web site

"The Quantum Universe"

Quantum Universe To discover what the universe is made of and how it works is the challenge of particle physics. Quantum Universe presents the quest to explain the universe in terms of quantum physics, which governs the behavior of the microscopic, subatomic world. It describes a revolution in particle physics and a quantum leap in our understanding of the mystery and beauty of the universe.

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Visit the Quantum Universe Web site

"The Science Ahead, The Way to Discovery"

The High-Energy Physics Advisory Panel long range plan for U.S. high-energy physics in the 21st century.

PDF version (4.3MB download--requires Acrobat Reader to view)

"Interactions, the Science of Matter Space and Time"

The High-Energy Physics Advisory Panel briefing book that gives an overview of the key questions of the field and new approaches to finding the answers.

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HTML version of the briefing book at 640x480 resolution.

HTML version of the briefing book at 800x600 resolution.

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last modified 09/22/2006    email Fermilab
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