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   The Buffalo Trace 
buff_tr.jpg (4677 bytes) The first travelway across southern Indiana was known as the Old Buffalo Trace or the Vincennes Trace. It was as well engineered as any road biult today. Several modern roads are now built along its route.

The route was created by American bison moving to summer pasture.


Thousands of these huge beasts once migrated from the falls of the Ohio River where they converged to cross the river. buffalo.gif (5993 bytes)
It stretched northwest to Vincennes where the buffalo dispersed to graze on the open prairies of Illinois.

The trace varied from 12-20 feet wide and had been in use for centuries. In some places, it had worn through solid rock to a depth of 12 feet.

It was also the route pioneers used. Many booked passage on riverboats as far as the Falls (now the site of Louisville) then set off to the west along this trail. In 1819, one of several taverns which sprange up along the route reported more than 5,000 travelers headed to Missouri. By 1820, the first stage coach line was set up to run the length of the trace from New Albany to Vincennes.

Today the Buffalo Trace is fading into obscurity. Only the deep scar of millions of hooves and wheels remain. There are several places around the Springs Valley Lake where if you look carefully, you can see remnants of this historic trail.

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There is currently an ongoing effort to have Hwy 150 and the Buffalo Trace designated as a National Scenic Byway in recognition of it's important historic significance.