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You've Waited Long Enough.
Join the Guild Today!

If you earn over half your income from your graphic work, and agree with the Guild's basic purposes, you're eligible for membership. There is no portfolio review, no other entry requirements.

Interested non-artists are welcome as associate members, with all membership privileges except voting rights. Meetings are open to all members, and any member may introduce resolutions.

Join the Guild

Guild policy and direction is set by the Board of Directors made up of representatives elected by the membership of each chapter. Officers and board members are unpaid volunteers.

Chapters in Albany, Boston, Chicago, New York City, Northern California, Southern California (LA), Portland, Seattle, and Philadelphia bring Guild services to members. In areas where there is no geographic chapter, members are served by the At-Large Chapter, which elects an independent board of directors and is represented on the National Board like other chapters. At-Large also publishes a newsletter, and can fund Guild events anywhere there is a sufficient number of interested artists.

No matter where you live you can be an active Guild member. When you join the Guild, you're making a very definite statement that graphic artists deserve the same respect afforded to other professionals.

Guild Membership Provides...

• Affirmation of the value of artists working together to improve standards of pay and working conditions in our industry. Joining is an endorsement of the highest standards of ethical conduct in the marketplace.

• Advances the rights and interests of artists through legislative reform, including:

  • our ongoing fight to end the widespread abuse of the copyright law's "work-for-hire" language
  • our successful battle against unfair taxation of artists
  • our dedication to universal health care
  • and our commitment to creator empowerment by working to strengthen copyright protection in all disciplines and all markets.

• May provide you with a vehicle for contract bargaining with your employer if you are a staff artist, or even with your client if you are one of a group of freelance artists regularly working for a given client.

• Puts you in contact with other artists who share your concerns. By leveraging such features as Chapter events it's easy to share ideas, information, and business skills with your colleagues.

Go to PEGS Book Page• Membership has immediate practical benefits:

  • Members will receive the tenth edition of the Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines or their choice of any other business title from The Guild Bookshelf.
  • Group Health Insurance as well as disability plans may be available to members at favorable rates depending on location and availability of plan provider and coverage.
  • Members receive the award-winning national GuildNEWS and local chapter newsletters.
  • Members benefit from direct marketing assistance through job referral services, trade shows, and other activities.
  • Members benefit from substantial discounts on art supplies, page-rates in many illustration and design directories, long distance calls, shipping services, car rentals, hotel rooms and more.
  • Members can participate in and receive discount web links and portfolio hosting.


Initiation/Application fee


(with each new membership application)

Professional Member Dues Per Year

Professional Member


Associate Member Dues Per Year
Standard Associate Member
Lifetime/Retired Member

(more details about Membership Categories are available on the Membership Application.)

There's no time like right now to give your creative career the support, perks, collegiality and fun that comes with Guild membership.

Simply use our Online Application, or download a Membership Application below, print out, complete and mail it to the Graphic Artists Guild, 32 Broadway, Suite 1114, New York, NY 10004-1612.

If you're feeling totally unwired, call the Guild office at 212-791-3400 and we'll mail you an application.





In This Section

Join the Guild Online

Benefits Index


Essential Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines!

Guild Member Portfolios