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Ontario Enterprise Budgets

Author: John Molenhuis - Business Analysis and Cost of Production Program Lead/OMAFRA
Creation Date: 03 January 2002
Last Reviewed: 22 March 2007

Please Note: Information presented is prepared solely as a general guide and is not intended to recognize or predict the returns and costs from any one particular farm operation.

Enterprise budgets are developed to aid producers in evaluating the economics of production decisions.

The budgets provide two data input options:

  1. Budgeting Tools allow you to enter data specific to your operation into the budget using your personal computer in Microsoft Excel format. Calculations are performed automatically, and you are able to view/modify/print the results for your own use. The Budgeting Tools also allow you to assess the potential impact of production and marketing risk factors and risk management strategies;
  2. Manual Budget Forms can be printed directly from this web site and completed by hand. These budgets would provide sample figures for each income and expense item, as well as space on the printed page to enter data specific to your operation.

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    | Manual Budget Forms | Online Help |

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For more information:
Toll Free: 1-877-424-1300
Local: (519) 826-4047