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Programs at NIST


NIST is a federal technology agency chartered by Congress more than 100 years ago.

 NIST helps U.S. companies, large and small, to develop and use new technologies.
 NIST helps organizations produce better products and services by disseminating best practices for management and quality improvement.
 NIST advances science by creating better ways to measure everything from the structure of atoms to the flammability of armchairs.

man with tolerance measuring instrument NIST Laboratories
NIST laboratories in Gaithersburg and Boulder, CO, strive to ensure that the U.S. has the world's best measurement system. NIST researchers search for better ways to measure basic quantities like length, time, and temperature. They develop standards and test methods industry needs to measure and improve the quality of thousands of products and services.
Baldrige Award-winning company

Baldrige National Quality Program
The Baldrige National Quality Award is the nation's premier award for performance excellence by organizations in manufacturing, service, small business, education, and health care. The award, and a broader outreach program, recognize outstanding achievements and disseminate information on successful performance and competitiveness strategies.

 Assembly line worker adjusts a target to a cathode for use in a sputtering machine. Manufacturing Extension Partnership
MEP is a network of over 400 not-for-profit centers nationwide. Serving all 50 states and Puerto Rico, the centers are linked together by NIST. They provide small manufacturers with the tools for success by allowing them to tap into the expertise of knowledgeable manufacturing and business specialists all over the U.S.
image created by advanced simulation software, which improves catalyst design for the petrochemical industry Advanced Technology Program
ATP bridges the gap between research and the marketplace. By sharing early-stage research costs for new technologies, ATP allows companies to pursue high-risk projects with high payoffs to the nation that might otherwise go unfunded. Companies conceive, co-fund, and execute ATP projects in partnerships with academia, other research groups, and federal labs.

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date created:3/03/01
last updated: Aug. 02, 2007