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Frequently Asked Questions:
Copyright and Permissions, Patents and Trademarks


How do I obtain permission to reprint information from an IEEE standard?

What information should be included in a request to reprint information?

Do I need to get permission to make a copy or several copies of an IEEE standard?

Do I need to get permission to reprint the abstract or scope of an IEEE standard?

How do I correctly reference an IEEE standard?

Do I need to get permission to use a table or a figure from an IEEE standard in a presentation or training seminar?

Do I need permission to reference an IEEE standard?

What is the IEEE patent policy with regard to standards in development?

What information does the IEEE keep on file with regard to patents in standards?

What if I have additional questions concerning copyright, trademarks, or patents?

What should I do if I become aware that an organization/company is claiming conformance to a draft standard of the IEEE?


How do I obtain permission to reprint information from an IEEE standard?

In order to obtain permission to reprint information from an IEEE standard, you need to contact IEEE-SA Intellectual Property Rights for the Standards Department. The communication can either be via e-mail or letter sent via mail or fax.


What information should be included in a request to reprint information?

The communication needs to cite the specific material for which you are requesting permission. It also needs to detail how the material will be distributed; for example, a seminar with overheads and handouts, a publication, or an annex to product information. We need to know what the format of the distribution will be; for example, hard copy only or via electronic transmission. We need to be able to determine whether it will be used internally or externally and whether or not there will be a fee for the information. If you have an estimated distribution volume, it would be helpful to have that information as well. Contact IEEE-SA Intellectual Property Rights for further information.


Do I need to get permission to make a copy or several copies of an IEEE standard?

The simple answer is yes. Any reproduction of IEEE standards must be authorized by the Standards Department. Typically, we license the reproduction of IEEE standards based on the determination of whether it is an internal or external use. The fee for internal use reproduction is 30% of the current US list price of the standard per copy. External use, usually for resale, is charged at 70% of the current US list price per copy. Fees for educational use only reproduction are substantially lower than the external use pricing. Special situations are also negotiable where the circumstances do not entirely fit one use or the other. For licensing information, contact IEEE-SA Intellectual Property Rights.


Do I need to get permission to reprint the abstract or scope of an IEEE standard?

The simple answer is no, you do not need permission. The IEEE Standards Department views the abstract and scope statements of IEEE standards as publicly available information. We only request that you properly reference the title and numeric designation of the standard. If applicable, it would also be helpful to include information about how to order the document. Some of the the abstracts are available online. Please check the IEEE Standards Catalog for abstracts that are available. They're linked to the designation of the standard.


How do I correctly reference an IEEE standard?

The correct title of any IEEE standard includes both its numeric designation and its descriptive text title. An example would be: IEEE Std 1076-1993, IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual. The numeric designation begins with "IEEE Std" followed by the project number, in this case "1076," followed by the year of completion of the project. The descriptive text title always begins with "IEEE," which is followed by the level of standard (Standard, Recommended Practice, Guide, or Trial-Use Standard). Thereafter, the project name appears.


Do I need to get permission to use a table or a figure from an IEEE standard in a presentation or training seminar?

Yes, permission is required for any reproduction of material from an IEEE standard, no matter how limited the amount of information is.


Do I need permission to reference an IEEE standard?

It is not necessary for anyone to advise the IEEE when they are referencing an IEEE standard. If there are marketing opportunities, it may be helpful to get in touch with the IEEE Standards Department in order to provide ordering information or distribution availability. However, there is no requirement for notification. An IEEE standard may be cited just as you would cite any other copyrighted material.


What is the IEEE patent policy with regard to standards in development?

The patent policy can be found in clause 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws. You can find the patent procedure in the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Section 6, subclause 6.3.


What information does the IEEE keep on file with regard to patents in standards?

In cases where the patent holder has been identified to the IEEE Standards Department, the patent policy requires that the patent holder provide us with a letter of assurance with regard to its willingness to license the patented technology under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms. These letters of assurance, along with the patent number if known, as well as the contact name, address, and phone number, are maintained on file at the IEEE Standards Department. In addition, the contact information is available in a Patent Report which is available on the IEEE Standards Website. The Patent Report, entitled "IEEE-SA Records of IEEE Standards-Related Patents" and its Introduction contain both "historical" and the most current information available received by the IEEE Standards Department in relation to known patents which may affect the practice of IEEE standards. We are continuously cataloging letters of assurance received in order to access information more readily. All information on file with the IEEE Standards Department will be made available to the public upon request. For information, please contact the PatCom Administrator.


What if I have additional questions concerning copyright, trademarks, or patents?

Please contact IEEE-SA Intellectual Property Rights with additional questions concerning copyright or trademarks.

If you have additional questions related to patents, please visit the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee web site.


What should I do if I become aware that an organization/company is claiming conformance to a draft standard of the IEEE?

If you become aware that an organization/company is claiming conformance to a Draft Standard of the IEEE, you should send a formal written notification (including the company name, address, and a copy of the offending claim, etc.) to:

Secretary, IEEE Standards Board
Standards Department
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08854

Upon receipt of the notification, the status of the draft will be verified and a letter will be sent to the organization/company indicating that the document they are claiming conformance to is a draft standard and has not yet been fully reviewed for completeness, functionality, or interoperability, and is subject to change at any time prior to approval as an IEEE Standard.

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