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Science Fair Projects

Do you need an idea for your next science fair project? Check out these sites for some help.

Agricultural Ideas for Science Fair Projects
Earthquakes - Science Fair Project Ideas
NEED Science Fair Projects for Kids
Science Fair Project Resource Guide

A model of a molecule made of gumballs.

Government Sites

Become a Geophysicist - (Geological Survey) - A geophysicist is someone who studies the Earth using gravity, magnetic, electrical, and seismic methods. Learn more about this fascinating career.

Disease - BAM! - (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Find out about the West Nile Virus, SARs, and other infectious diseases. Learn how scientists track down disease to try to find a cure!

Edison National Historic Site - Edison's improvements to the telegraph and the telephone placed him on the cutting edge of communication technology at the turn of the Twentieth Century. If Edison were living today, he would be interested in both the Internet and the World Wide Web, a technology that can now make the legacy of the world's most famous inventor available to you.

EEK! - Career Zone - (Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources) - Do you think you might want to have a job that involves helping take care of the environment? Check out these careers.

Health and Science Careers - (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences) - Are you curious? Do you like numbers? Do you like adventures? If so, maybe you should become a scientist!

Look to the Future: Careers in Space - Since you were little, you have probably associated space careers with astronauts, walking on the moon, Neil Armstrong, and space shuttles. Not every space career involves hopping around in a big spacesuit, but there are lots of opportunities available for exciting space careers today.

Science Careers - Becoming a scientist requires intelligence, creativity, and a strong desire to learn new things! Want to know more? Check out this site, if you want, take a quiz!

Space Agriculture in the Classroom - (Department of Agriculture, NASA) - Learn about the space program and the role of agriculture in our economy and society. Helps students see the connection between agricultural practices on Earth that relate to space-based research, particularly in the plant sciences.

Space Place Live - Kate and Carlos host their own talk show! Their guests are real scientists who work on really cool space and Earth missions. Join them and find out what it’s like to work as a scientist, how they got started in science, and what they like to do for fun.

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Other Resources

Careers in Veterinary Medicine - If you love animals and think being a veterinarian or a vet technician sounds like fun, then check out this cool site to learn how you can prepare for a job in this field.

European Space Agency - Kids - Learn about space stations, life in space, astronauts, and more.

Scientists At Work - Scientists: Who are they? Throughout history, scientists have played a big role in peoples' lives. They still do! Do you know who these scientists are?

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Page Revised - 1/7/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.