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 Government Image of a group of younger children
U.S. Presidents

Barack Obama is the 44th president of the United States. You can find out about the last 43 presidents here.

Hall of Presidents
Meet the Presidents
Presidential Libraries
Research Presidential Materials

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden

Government Sites

About the FBI - (Federal Bureau of Investigation) - So, you've been thinking about working for the FBI? Meet some of the people who work with this agency.

Architect of the Capitol - Just for Kids - Learn about the Capitol building in Washington DC and the new Capitol Visitor Center.

Ben's Guide to U.S. Government (Grades 3-5) - (Government Printing Office) - Take a journey with Benjamin Franklin and learn all about our government.

Branches of Government - Because of the colonies’ experience under the British monarchy, the delegates wanted to avoid giving any one person or group absolute control in government, so they created the branches of the government. Learn more about these branches.

California - Your Idea Becomes A Law - Do you have some good ideas for ways to make California a better place? In California anyone of any age may suggest an idea for a new state Law. Maybe your ideas could make good state laws. Play this game, from the California State Assembly, to design your own bill and watch it become law.

CIA's Homepage for Kids, K - 5th Grade - (Central Intelligence Agency) - Look through these pages and you will learn all about the CIA. If you read carefully, you can become a CIA expert. There's also have some fun stories and games for you.

CryptoKids - (National Security Agency/Central Security Service) - Peer into the secret world of cryptology: making and breaking codes. Play lots of games and activities at this site too!

Dare to Compare - So, how do you compare with students from around the world? Pick a subject (civics, math, or science), a grade and how many questions you want to see, then click the Show Questions button below. See how many you get right.

Elementary School Stuff - (Foreign Service Institute) - Check out this site that has links to fun games, stories from around the world, and Foreign Service kids.

FBI Working Dogs - The FBI has some very special working dogs. Power is the newest addition to the group of Working Dogs at FBI Headquarters. His job as a Chemical Explosives Dog is to sniff out bombs, explosion debris, firearms, and ammunition. Other FBI Working Dogs find drugs, money, and people. Just how do they do it?

FBI's Kids Page (Grades K - 5) - (Federal Bureau of Investigation) - Learn about the FBI working dogs and play fun games at this site.

Federal Reserve Kids Page - The Federal Reserve System, also known as "The Fed," is the central bank of the United States. It was created to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system. Learn more about this agency and take a fun quiz!

Geospatial Intelligence - For Kids - Collecting information above or below the earth's surface can answer questions about a particular place. That information can be used for all kinds of stuff. See how it is done.

How Laws Are Made - Laws may be initiated in either chamber of Congress, the House of Representatives or the Senate. Learn how the process works.

Indiana - Courts in the Classroom - Activites such as an online coloring book, jigsaw puzzles, and word puzzles to teach you more about the judicial system in Indiana.

Judicial Branch - Ben's Guide - (Government Printing Office) - The judicial branch of government is made up of the court system. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the land.

Kids in the House - (Office of the Clerk) - Learn about the U.S. government the fun way with this site. There's games, puzzles, and activities that teach you about your government.

Law-4- Kids - Here is an introduction to questions you may have about our legal system.

National versus State Government - (Government Printing Office) - Following the Revolutionary War, the 13 colonies basically governed themselves. It was soon discovered that this weak form of state government could not survive and so the Constitution was drafted. Learn more.

Patent and Trademark Office Kids Page - (Patent and Trademark Office) - What are patents, trademarks and copyrights you ask? Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about "intellectual property."

Presidential Biographies - Learn interesting facts about our presidents.

Rights of Citizens: The Bill of Rights - When the Constitution was ratified, many people were concerned that it did not protect certain freedoms. They thought that the Constitution should be changed or amended to protect these freedoms. So ten amendments were added to guarantee certain freedoms and rights. Learn more about the Bill of Rights.

Social Security Kids Stuff - Social Security is your piggy bank for the future. As you work, you save by making payments to Social Security. Later when you no longer are working, Social Security will pay you back every month with a check.

USA Freedom Corps Kids - (White House) - Like working with animals at an animal shelter, helping your neighbors or keeping our environment clean? Learn about different volunteer opportunities at this site.

VA Kids, K - 5th Grades - Learn about the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and how it provides many services and benefits for veterans.

Voter Registration - Any citizen of the United States over the age of 18, and who meets certain state requirements, may vote in Federal elections. This has not always been the case. Learn more about the history of voting.

White House for Kids - A doorway into the history of the White House, past presidents, their families, pets, and more.

You Are Here - (Federal Trade Commission) - This site helps you think like a consumer and find out things like how advertising influences your decisions.

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Other Resources

BrainPOP - Social Studies - BrainPOP's has animated movies created to explain the world around us in an engaging way. There are some FREE movies, but most you have to subscribe to. Kids, make sure to talk this over with your parents.

Citizenship Quiz - - Test your knowledge on Amercian Government, American History and Civics.

Democracy Project - Learn what it is like to be the president for a day and learn how democracy affects you.

Election 2008 - Scholastic News - Watch the Scholastic Kids Press Corps in action on the campaign trail!

Elections 101 - How the Process Works - PBS Kids Go - Every four years, millions of adults will go to their local voting booths to vote for the next president and vice president of the United States. All of the votes will be recorded and counted, and the winner will be... named? Uh, not so fast. It's a lot more complicated than that.

Electoral College - - When Americans cast their vote for a presidential candidate, they are really voting for an elector--a delegate pledged to vote for that same candidate. There are 538 such electors chosen in every presidential election. As a group they are known as the electoral college.

Kids Pick The President - Nickelodeon - Nickelodeon's letting you pick the issues and the president, because the next four years affect you and your future.

National Mock Election - Cast your vote in the 2008 election on October 30, 2008.

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Page Revised - 1/9/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.