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   Maps /Geography
Facts About Different Countries

Take a look at these links for resources and information about the nations of our world.

My Wonderful World
People and Places
Portals to the World
The World Factbook

A father showing his daughter a globe.

Government Sites

Background Notes - (Department of State) - Find out tons of information about every country. These pages include facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, and economy of independent states.

Everyday Mysteries: Fun Science Facts - (Library of Congress) - Did you ever wonder why a camel has a hump? If you can really tell the weather by listening to the chirp of a cricket? Or why our joints make popping sounds? These questions deal with everyday phenomena that we often take for granted, but each can be explained scientifically.

FactFinder Kids' Corner - Learn about the U.S. Census, get facts about your state, and have fun with quiz questions.

Flags of the World - The World Factbook - (Central Intelligence Agency) - This page shows each countries flags; you can also click on the country name for more facts.

Geography and Map Reading Room - (Library of Congress) - The Geography and Map Division (G&M) has custody of the largest and most comprehensive cartographic collection in the world. The Reading Room provides in-person, telephone, and written reference assistance to Congress, Federal agencies, state and local governments, the scholarly community, and the general public.

How Maps are Made - A lot goes into making a map. Learn how the maps are made.

ISS EarthKam - ISS EarthKAM is a NASA sponsored program that provides stunning, high quality photographs of our planet taken from the Space Shuttle and International Space Station. ISS EarthKAM students have taken thousands of photographs of Earth by using the world wide web to direct a digital camera on select space flights and currently on the International Space Station.

Kids and Families Page - (Library of Congress) - This website shares its collections, stories, online collections and more for students and teachers.

Map Collections - The Library of Congress has all kinds of maps on Cities and Towns, Conservation and Environment, Military Battles and Campaigns, and more.

Maps - Library of Congress - Collections of historical maps, including maps from the American Revolution through War II. - Make interactive maps within your web browser! This program allows you to make your own maps. Select, change, and display map layers. Roam across America and zoom in to reveal more detail. Point at map features to learn more about them. Locate and map more than 2,000,000 geographic names in the United States. New map layers are added each month.

Our Nation - (Government Printing Office) - Find our Quick Facts about the United States and our Nation's Capitol.

The National Map - The National Map is an online, interactive map service - the Nation's topographic map for the 21st Century.

Where in the World Is the Secretary of State? - The Secretary of State travels to all corners of the world in the conduct of international relations. Test your knowledge of geography.

World Fact Book - (Central Intelligence Agency) - Visitors can select various countries of the world and learn some basic facts about each country's history, their geography, their demographics, and their government. The site also contains a gallery of the flags of the world's nations, a number of helpful reference maps, and a history of the World Factbook itself.

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Other Resources

e.encyclopedia - e.encyclopedia combines the best of a traditional encyclopedia with an extra digital dimension. It guides the reader to the most helpful, appropriate and amazing sites the web has to offer.

Geography Games - National Geographic Kids - Boost your knowledge of the world with the GeoBee Challenge, GeoSpy game and learn the continents with Copycat.

Homework Help - National Geographic - Check out this page for information, or search One-Stop Research for pictures, articles, maps, and more on subjects like animals, history and science - perfect for reports, presentations, and more!

Homework Helper - Social Studies - Site that contain many links to General, American, and Ancient History websites.

Maps Tools for Adventure - Maps are a part of every great adventure. They help you find your way, share information, look at patterns, and solve problems

My Wonderful World - for Kids and Teens - You might not know it, but you're already a global citizen -- geography is a part of your everyday life.

New York Times - Geography - Explores current geography issues in depth or search by subject. Also view slideshows.

Stately Knowledge - Need to know the capital of Alabama? Want to know which hockey teams are in California? How about the size of Montana? These web pages will help you find out the basic facts of any state in the Union, including Washington, D.C.

U.S. Geopgraphy - FactMonster - Learn about basic U.S. geography, rivers, coastal areas, mountains of in the United States, and a whole lot more.

United Nations Cyberschoolbus - This great site for students has access to country profiles, a well-written introduction to the history and work of the United Nations, and some fun quizzes (such as the one on national flags) and the Urban Fact Game, which is a creative on-line quiz about cities and their populations.

World Political/Physical Maps and Satellite Images - So many maps, so little time. You’d better get started!

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Page Revised - 1/7/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.