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 Money Image of a group of middle school kids
   Saving Money
Money Games

Learn about money while playing these fun, interactive games.

Break The Bank
Design Your Own Bill
Dollar Dive
Mad Money

A girl laying on her bed using her laptop.

Government Sites

FDIC Learning Bank - (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) - This site tells you the who, what, when, where and why about this agency - with a little help from Carmen Cents!

Student Aid On The Web - (Department of Education) - Free information on preparing for and funding education beyond high school. Whether you're in elementary or high school, parent or counselor, this site helps you make informed decisions regarding a college, technical or trade school education and career choice.

Students.Gov - (Department of Education) - provides you with easy access to information and resources from the U.S. government. From choosing the right college, applying online for financial aid and scholarships, or finding summer internships or jobs, this site has it all in one place.

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Other Resources

Fedville - In Fedville, there are games to play, money to earn, and something to learn. You can open a savngs account and watch your money grow. You can also shop at local stores, if you earn enough money playing games. This will help you learn about money and personal finance.

Hands on Banking - For different age groups. How to budget, save your money, banking, and spending your money wisely.

Investore ClearingHouse - Saving for Summer Vacation - Play the Saving for Summer Vacation game and find out some ways to earn some cash.

It's My Life - Money - Did you know that tweens in the U.S. spend about $15 billion of their own money each year? Yikes! That’s a lot of dough. Learn how to spend it SMART!

Mad Money - PBS Kids Go - This game will get you thinking about earning money, saving up for larger purchases, and making wise spending choices.

Mapping Your Future - No matter what you dream of doing with your life, preparing yourself for life (and most likely education) after high school is important.

Math in Daily Life Savings and Credit - With some math smarts and an understanding of simple and compound interest, you can manage the way your money grows (and ideally keep it from shrinking).

Moneyopolis - Meet Xerbie, a visitor from outer space who's stranded in Moneyopolis because he couldn't save enough money to repair his broken spaceship. Help him get back home by answering questions and completing the game.

Practical Money Skills for Life - Fun games that will teach you how to manage money.

The AIE Savings Calculator - Cool calculator that shows how much a kid can save over 10, 25, or until retirement.

The Mint - Find out what it takes to start your own business, learn how to save and invest your money wisely, or try out some cool quizzes and financial tools. You can also learn about your role in the economy and how to make a budget!

Young Investor - Find out all the cool ways you can earn and save your money.

Young Investors Network - Meet Mandy and Luke. Each has big ideas for the future and they will need money to get there. Get your plan together.

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Page Revised - 1/7/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.