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 Arts Image of a group of middle school kids
Looking For a Photo?

Need a good photo? Check out these sites for tons of photos on lots of topics.

NOAA Photo Library
Photography - Smithsonian Institution
Photos - National Geographic
U.S. Government Photos and Graphics

A large group of people taking pictures with their digital cameras and cel phones.

Government Sites

Architect - Architects design houses and buildings. They plan offices and apartments. They design schools, churches, and airport terminals. Their plans involve far more than a building's looks. Buildings must be safe and strong.

Artist - Artists make art to express what they are feeling or thinking. They use many methods—drawing, painting, sculpting. They use an assortment of materials—different kinds of paints, pencils, and pens, plaster, clay, and even computers.

Designer - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Are you creative? Designers have a desire to create; they mix knowledge with artistic ability. Designers focus in a specific area of design, such as cars or websites.

Photographer - Photographers know how to choose the right tools to give them the best picture. They use different things such as lights, lenses, and film to create a picture. New digital technology is being used more and more by photographers. A lot of them use computers to finish their work.

Teacher - Teachers teach children to read, write, do math, and much more. They use games, videos, computers, and other tools to teach children different subjects. Teachers show students skills. They also explain information. Teachers plan their lessons before they teach.

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Other Resources

The Fun Works - For Careers You Never Knew Existed - You may not know now exactly what you want to do as an adult, but this site will help you start. Discover who you are, what you like to do, and what you do best.

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Page Revised - 1/7/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.