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NOAA Photo Library
Photography - Smithsonian Institution
Photos - National Geographic
U.S. Government Photos and Graphics

A large group of people taking pictures with their digital cameras and cel phones.

Government Sites

Archives of American Art - The collections of the Archives of American Art comprise the largest source in the world of primary source documentation on the visual arts in America. You can access information through AAA's online catalog, finding aids and guides, and a committed reference staff.

Art Information - Researching Your Art - (Smithsonian) - Want to learn more about the painting you found while clearing out the attic? Be prepared for a little detective work. We hope these tips and resources will help you begin.

Arts & Culture - (Smithsonian) - Read interesting articles on art, music and performing arts topics.

Ask Joan of Art - Do you have a question about American art and don't know how to find the answer? Art information specialists at the Smithsonian American Art Museum can help using both print and electronic reference resources.

Meet Amazing Americans - America's Story - Discover the inventors, politicians, performers, activists and other everyday people who made this country what it is today.

NGA Classroom For Teachers and Students - Here's a great place where teachers and students can connect art and curriculum from the National Gallery of Art.

NGA Kids - Choose from a variety of activities or projects from the National Gallery of Art, enjoy an animated musical adventure, take a tour through the sculpture garden, and more.

Search for Artists in the American Art Museum - (Smithsonian) - An alphabetical list of Artists and their works.

Smithsonian Education For Students - (Smithsonian) - This is a place for kids to explore, discover and learn. Find out about art, science, history and the secrets of the museums.

Smithsonian Latino Center's Kids Corner - This site highlights Latino exhibitions and collections from across the Smithsonian; there are three major galleries: 1) a Kids Gallery with an activity that shows the importance of portraiture in cultural and artistic expression; 2) the Son Clave Lounge featuring Latino music from the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage video collection; 3) Meso Time, a unique space allowing the user to take a virtual visit through Mexico’s pre-Columbian past. 

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Other Resources

A Lifetime of Color: Timeline of Art - Explore the world of art and artists through our interactive timeline and glossary.

A. Pintura Art Detective - Follow A. Pintura on an art history adventure.

Architect Studio 3-D - On this Web site, you can design a house, walk through it in 3D, and then share it with the world. You can also learn more about architecture, past and present, and explore Frank Lloyd Wright's life and work.

Exploring Leonardo da Vinci - Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance, yet he left only a handful of completed paintings. Explore this site and learn about this fascinating scientist, inventor, and artist.

Featured Artists - Corcoran Museum - Featured artitsts listed alphabetically.

Literature Database - PBS American Masters - Learn about some of the most influential and significant American writers like Edgar Allen Poe, Arthur Miller, and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Mars Millennium Project - Take a journey of inspiration and discovery as you explore Mars through answers to questions asked of artists, scientists, engineers, and astronauts.

Metropolitan Museum of Art - Explore and Learn - The page for young people includes family guides, museum hunts, and art games. From discovering a dragon to guessing a detail, there's something fun for everyone to do and learn.

See Artists in Action - Watch professional artists Ta-Coumba Aiken and Judy Onofrio create original compositions to see artists in action using the visual elements and principles.

Visual Arts Database - PBS American Masters - Learn about some of the most influential and significant American artists like Jasper Johns, Georgia O’Keefe, and Annie Leibovtiz.

WebMuseum - Check out this online exhibit of famous paintings, a complete index of artists, and a useful glossary!

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Page Revised - 1/7/2009

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