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   Art - Architecture
Looking For a Photo?

Need a good photo? Check out these sites for tons of photos on lots of topics.

NOAA Photo Library
Photography - Smithsonian Institution
Photos - National Geographic
U.S. Government Photos and Graphics

A large group of people taking pictures with their digital cameras and cel phones.

Government Sites

Architect - Architects design houses and buildings. They plan offices and apartments. They design schools, churches, and airport terminals. Their plans involve far more than a building's looks. Buildings must be safe and strong.

Architecture and Landscape - (Library of Congress) - See how architecture and landscape of America has changed throughout history. This site features some early photos and building designs.

Egyptian Pyramid - (Smithsonian) - The pyramids of Egypt fascinated travellers and conquerors in ancient times and continue to inspire wonder in the tourists, mathematicians, and archeologists who visit, explore, measure and describe them. Learn more about them.

Frank Lloyd Wright - Frank Lloyd Wright was one of the most original American architects of the 20th century. His buildings and ideas have affected the way offices and homes are designed and organized today.

Landscape Architect - Landscape architects decide where to put flowers, trees, walkways, and other landscape details. They work with architects, surveyors, and engineers to find the best place to put roads and buildings. They work with environmental scientists to find the best way to conserve or restore natural resources.

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Other Resources

A Lifetime of Color: Activities - This is the place for art activities, techniques and inspiration! Try the hands-on activities and techniques, or browse their online galleries of student and professional artwork.

Architect Studio 3-D - On this Web site, you can design a house, walk through it in 3D, and then share it with the world. You can also learn more about architecture, past and present, and explore Frank Lloyd Wright's life and work.

Decopix - Check out tons of photos that show examples of art deco architecture and print.

Glossary for Medieval Art and Architecture - Get definitions and illustrations of words like sarcophagus, atrium, and jamb. Hear their pronunciations too! - This is a great resource for kids on many different subjects - from languages to science. Find out what happened today in history, and there's even a link for study notes.

New York Times - Fine Arts - Explore current issues in depth or search fine arts by subject.

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Page Revised - 1/7/2009

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