National Endowment for the Humanities

Division of Education Programs
Announced: April 2002


Robert J. Coad (Outright: $2,000)
Hamilton High School Humanities Magnet, Los Angeles, California
Teaching Methodologies for Medieval Architecture for High School Teachers
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to develop and present five workshops for teachers addressing teaching methodologies for the Medieval period.

Terry F. Fyne (Outright: $2,000)
Sunny Hills High School, Fullerton, California
Teaching Shakespeare from Performance
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to create and present a workshop on a performance-based approach to teaching Shakespeare.

Patrick P. Lynch (Outright: $2,000)
Marymount High School, Los Angeles, California
Manuscripts on the Web and in the Classroom
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to buy books of manuscripts to use as a teaching device and to make presentations at several professional conferences.


Megan A. Corse (Outright: $2,000)
Berkeley Preparatory School, Tampa, Florida
Collaborative Teaching Projects in the Field of Folk Tale, Myth, and Legend
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to organize an interdisciplinary team of teachers to develop curriculum materials related to the study of folk tale, myths, and legends.


Linda Q. Green (Outright: $2,000)
Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawaii
Islam in China and the World
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to develop an interdisciplinary curriculum unit on Islam.


Helen L. Keezer (Outright: $2,000)
Century High School, Pocatello, Idaho
Mini-institute of "Shakespeare: Enacting the Text"
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to pay for seven teachers to attend the Utah Shakespeare Festival.


Catherine M. Hellman (Outright: $2,000)
Stone Academy, Chicago, Illinois
Tattletales: Teacher-to-Colleague-to-Student-to-School, Spreading Fairy Tales
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to support a study group on fairy tales.


Kathryn S. Rhodes (Outright: $2,000)
Huntington North High School, Huntington, Indiana
No Fear Shakespeare
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to support a two-day workshop on teaching Shakespeare through performance at the secondary school level.


Mary E. Blaufuss (Outright: $2,000)
Bishop McNamara High School, Forestville, Maryland
The Symbolic Value of Wealth in American Culture
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to gather a team of teachers to create a curriculum guide on the symbolic impact of money in American lives.

Rebecca J. Dorrill (Outright: $2,000)
Friends School of Baltimore, Maryland
Joint History Department-English Department Study Group on Ethnic Film
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to create a joint History Department-English Department study group which would design a new humanities elective on ethnic film.


Robert W. Gabrick (Outright: $2,000)
White Bear Lake High School, White Bear Lake, Minnesota
Communism, Espionage, and the Cold War
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to design and disseminate a curriculum unit on communism, espionage, and the cold war.

Elizabeth B. Hillstrom (Outright: $2,000)
Cook County High School, Grand Marais, Minnesota
Perspectives: A Multidisciplinary Curriculum of Herman Melville, Frederick Douglass, and the American Society Reflected in Their Works
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to develop and disseminate a multidisciplinary curriculum unit on Herman Melville and Frederick Douglass.


Ron E. Briley (Outright: $2,000)
Sandia Preparatory School, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Forging the Twentieth-Century Urban Identity in Detroit: Cinematic Representation and the National Pastime
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to write and present at teacher conferences two scholarly articles on Detroit, focusing on film and baseball.


Robert R. Meyer (Outright: $2,000)
Friends Seminary, New York, New York
Reading the Globe: An Enrichment Salon for Teachers
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to develop a teachers' study group which will promote curricular revision in world history at Friends Seminary.

Constance H. Vidor (Outright: $2,000)
The Cathedral School, New York, New York
Fairy Tale Study Group for School Librarians
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to support a study group on European fairy tales for secondary school library media specialists from the New York City metropolitan area.


Timothy J. Greene (Outright: $2,000)
Jersey Shore Area High School, Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania
Defining the Limits of Liberalism: Teaching the NAACP's Anti-Lynching Campaign Using Document-Based Questions and Simulation Games
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to develop and disseminate a curriculum unit on the NAACP's anti-lynching campaign.


Thomas W. Barnes (Outright: $2,000)
Dorman High School, Spartanburg, South Carolina
Exploring Ethnicity: Texts and Contexts
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to integrate ethnic and film studies into a high school curriculum through teacher in-service workshops and the establishment of a departmental library in ethnic and film studies.


Claire Hewlett (Outright: $2,000)
First Baptist Academy, Dallas, Texas
The Arabic World and its Literature
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to develop and disseminate a free kit of books and information about the Middle East.

Valeria F. Paget (Outright: $2,000)
Spring High School, Spring, Texas
Laying Claim to Family Traditions
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to integrate American Indian literature into an American literature survey course and to use American Indian materials as models for student research projects.


Douglas R. Perry (Outright: $2,000)
Gig Harbor High School, Gig Harbor, Washington
Further Research and Study of the Detroit Riot of 1967
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to develop a curriculum unit for grades 8 to 12 on the Detroit Riot of 1967.

Deanne M. Woita (Outright: $2,000)
Elma High School, Elma, Washington
Dramatizing Shakespeare
A Humanities Teacher Leadership Program award to support a Shakespeare-through-performance teachers' study group and materials acquisition at Elma High School in Washington state.