National Endowment for the Humanities
Rediscovering Afghanistan Awards, 2008
Division of Education Programs
Asia Society, New York, NY
Project Director: Elizabeth Anne Cole
Outright: $200,000

Rediscovering Afghanistan, Crossroad of Cultures: A Web-Based Teaching Guide
The creation of digitized primary resources presented in a humanities context to introduce Afghanistan’s history, society, and culture to high school and college teachers and their students.
Division of Preservation and Access
American Institute of Afghanistan Studies, Durham, NC
Project Director: Hiromi L. Sakata
Outright: $68,768

A Summer Education and Training Residency for Radio Afghanistan Archivists
Advanced training in archival management in the United States for four Afghan audio archivists engaged in reformatting the audio collections of Radio Afghanistan.
Division of Research Programs
Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
Project Director: Alexander Nakhimovsky
Outright: $54,400

Recent History of the Pashtun Tribes in Afghanistan and Pakistan: An Annotated Multimedia Narrative and Guide
The development of a collection of annotated and searchable multimedia materials based on documentaries about the Pashtun tribes on both sides of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.
Tel Aviv University, Israel
Project Director: Deborah Gerber Tor
Outright: $6,000

The Reign of the Great Saljuq Sultan Sanjar in Afghanistan (1097-1157)
A history of the reign of Abu'l-Harith Ahmad Sanjar b. Malikshah, sultan of the Saljuq Dynasty, who presided over one of the most formative periods in the history of Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asia.