Be the next generation of explorers. OceanAGE connects ocean explorers with young people wanting to learn about their exciting careers.

OceanAGE Careers:

Ocean Careers to Inspire
Another Generation of Explorers

Learn about our upcoming events.

OceanAGE Careers invites students to interact with the talented people who explore our ocean planet. From underwater pilots to research scientists, these marine explorers provide students with first-hand knowledge of exciting careers through live interviews, profiles, and mission logs. On the right you will find a variety of professions which link you to a profile of an individual in that field today. The profile describes what they are doing now and the steps they took to get to this point. We also offer Web forums and Web chats with selected experts throughout the year.

Video profiles, biographies, and background materials related to the work of our explorers are available before a Web event. Please review these materials before joining an event so you can form better questions and have a more valuable experience. Instructions on participating are available. Special thanks to the NASA Oceanography program for supporting this offering.

Schedule of Events

In early 2007 we featured two new ocean explorers:

Hugo Marrero is a Submersible Pilot for the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute. Hugo has had an interesting career full of twists and turns, and as you might imagine, full of adventure! Review Hugo's profile and learn about a job that fewer than 1% of the Earth's population have enjoyed!

Kristin Laidre is a Marine Mammal Biologist that studies the elusive Narwhal. This amazing whale lives in the high latitudes of the earth. Its unique 3 meter tusk has made it the stuff of legend. Learn what it is like to work and live in the Arctic and how Kristin also studies these whales from her desktop in Seattle, Washington.