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Obtain Site Location Assistance

Are you a company official with the responsibility of locating a new manufacturing, distribution or office facility? Or perhaps you are a consultant or real estate broker assisting a client with a site location search. Either way, the Kansas Department of Commerce offers a variety of programs and services to help you reduce the cost of doing business and identify Kansas communities that can meet your unique project requirements.

Our business recruitment team has many years of experience working with a wide variety of large and small companies. Our expertise is asking the right questions to fully understand your project and tailoring a site location proposal that showcases the best community options and all the relevant programs and incentives. We work on a confidential basis and can serve as your single Kansas contact to best maximize your valuable time.

Detailed information is at www.thinkbigks.com.

Contact Programs/Resources

Business Recruitment:
Companies and their consultants can obtain site location assistance from our business recruitment team. (More...)

Business Retention and Expansion:
Assistance is provided to in-state manufacturing companies and distribution or office headquarters. (More...)

International Investment Recruitment:
The Department’s International Investment experts provide assistance to international companies or their consultants who are considering Kansas for new manufacturing, distribution, or office facilities. (More...)

Kansas Economic Opportunity Initiatives Fund:
These funds are provided by the State Legislature to address unique opportunities or emergencies that may have substantial impact on the Kansas economy. Examples include major expansion of a Kansas business, potential location of a major employer in Kansas, or the closing of a major federal or state institution. (More...)