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Homeroom - Education and Outreach


NSA kiosk.
The North Slope of Alaska kiosk was installed in October 2003.
TWP kiosk.
A kiosk was installed at the Nauru airport in November 2006.

ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) Education and Outreach recognizes the value of traditional knowledge in science education. Information about weather and climate from elders, community leaders, educators and students makes science relevant and meaningful, especially for native populations.

Beginning in 2002, the Education and Outreach program developed a series of interactive kiosks titled Climate Change: Science and Traditional Knowledge, which incorporate scientific information about climate research with oral history, daily observations and general concerns from the ACRF host communities around the world. The Education and Outreach program has developed kiosks for the ACRF host communities in Barrow, Alaska; Darwin, Australia; Nauru Island, Republic of Nauru; and Manus Island, Papua New Guinea.

WeatherFest kiosk.
Kiosk CDs have been taken to various outreach events, including public science fairs.

Kiosks Available on Disc

The Climate Change: Science and Traditional Knowledge kiosk series is available on disc to teachers and students everywhere for use in classrooms, libraries, or personal computers. As a free educational resource, the kiosks are excellent building blocks for interdisciplinary learning in the areas of science, culture, history, and geography. To request a copy of the kiosk series, please send an email to ACRF Education and Outreach at