Buncombe County Government North Carolina
Buncombe County Government North Carolina
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Tax Office Updating the Parcel Identification System

Buncombe County Tax Office will be updating the Parcel Identification Number “PIN” system from the current map system to a new, more accurate mapping system beginning January 20, 2009.

The Parcel Identification Numbers will change in format but will work in the same manner as before. New search options will allow the public to search for information by either the new parcel number or the old parcel number.

Currently, any non-mapped parcel can only be viewed from the tax information page of the County’s website, not from the GIS webpage. The new format will allow condominiums and other non-mapped property ownership information to be found and viewed from the GIS webpage in addition to the tax information webpage.

For more information regarding the change, please contact the Land Records Division of the Tax Department at (828) 250-4970 or 250-4942.

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