Meet the Family

Here at Yes To, we love to say YES!

We have created the perfect families of Paraben Free products especially suited to your face, body, hands and hair.

All of our Yes To products combine the fresh, unadulterated goodness of organic fruits and vegetables with the purifying and moisturizing properties of 26 minerals harvested from the ancient world's most renowned spa- the Dead Sea.



 For Normal to Dry Skin

Yes To Carrots is a complete family of skin and hair care products that combine the anti-oxidant power of Beta Carotene from orange organic fruits and vegetables, with Dead Sea Minerals.

So why Carrots? Well, you've probably heard your whole life that carrots are good for you. True as it turns out, in more ways than one.

When it comes to natural ingredients, carrots are the best known vegetable source of Beta-Carotene, a powerful anti-oxidant that helps reduce daily damage to your skin and hair.

Together with Dead Sea Minerals, Yes To Carrots is the perfect solution for normal to dry skin. 

Click here to find our more about the delicious ingredients in the Yes To Carrots range.

 For Oily / Combination Skin

Yes To Tomatoes is a complete family of skin and hair care products uniquely combining red organic fruits and vegetables and Dead Sea Minerals.

So what's so special about tomatoes? Well, in addition to their amazing skin-balancing properties, that gorgeous red color comes from Lycopene, a potent anti-oxidant, excellent at fighting free radicals.

Together with Dead Sea Minerals, this special combination not only promotes healthy skin, but also absorbs excess surface oils, perfect for balancing oily/combination skin.

Click here to find our more about the delicious ingredients in the Yes To Tomatoes range.


 For Normal to Sensitive Skin

Yes To Cucumbers is a complete family of skin and hair care products combining the refreshing, soothing and calming power of green organic fruits and vegetables, with Dead Sea Minerals.

Are Cucumbers really that good for you? The short answer is yes! Cucumbers are naturally hydrating, and are a fantastic source of both vitamins C and K.

Combined with Dead Sea Minerals, Yes To Cucumbers are a wonderful treat for sensitive skin.

Click here to find our more about the delicious ingredients in the Yes To Cucumbers range.

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