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subpart 245.5--management of government property in the possession of contractors

(Revised May 19, 2006)



See DoD Class Deviation 99-O0008, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 45, issued on July 13, 1999.  This deviation is effective until incorporated into the FAR.


 245.505 Records and reports of Government property.
 245.505-3 Records of material.
 245.505-5 Records of plant equipment.
 245.505-6 Special reports of plant equipment.
 245.505-14 Reports of Government property.

245.505  Records and reports of Government property.


245.505-3  Records of material.

If adequate controls are in place to meet the requirements of the clause at 252.242-7004, Material Management and Accounting System, the contractor's material control system may physically commingle inventories that may include materials for which costs are charged or allocated to fixed-price, cost-reimbursement, and commercial contracts.  Government-furnished material (GFM) may not be physically commingled with other material, nor may GFM be used on contractor's commercial work.


245.505-5  Records of plant equipment.


      (a)  The contractor may use DD Form 1342, DoD Property Record, as a source document for setting up prescribed records.


245.505-6  Special reports of plant equipment.

The contractor shall prepare a DD Form 1342 in accordance with instructions contained in AR 700-43/NAVSUP PUB 5009/AFM 78-9/DLAM 4215.1, Management of Defense-Owned Industrial Plant Equipment (IPE)—


      (1)  Upon receipt and acceptance of each item of IPE including items which, though part of a manufacturing system, would otherwise qualify as IPE;


      (2)  Whenever major changes occur in the data initially submitted to Defense Supply Center Richmond (DSCR) (as specified by DLAM 4215.1);


      (3)  When IPE, including general purpose components of special test equipment which otherwise qualify as IPE, is no longer required for the purpose authorized or provided; or


      (4)  When disposal is completed.


245.505-14  Reports of Government property.


      (a)  Use the clause at 252.245-7001, Reports of Government Property, in all solicitations and contracts containing one of the following clauses—


              (1)  FAR 52.245-2, Government Property (Fixed-Price Contracts);


              (2)  FAR 52.245-5, Government Property (Cost Reimbursement, Time-and-Material, or Labor-Hour Contracts;


              (3)  FAR 52.245-7, Government Property (Consolidated Facilities);


              (4)  FAR 52.245-10, Government Property (Facilities Acquisition); or


              (5)  FAR 52.245-11, Government Property (Facilities Use).


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