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(Revised February 12, 2007)



 211.201 Identification and availability of specifications.
 211.204 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
 211.270 Reserved.
 211.271 Elimination of use of class I ozone-depleting substances.
 211.272 Alternate preservation, packaging, and packing.
 211.273 Substitutions for military or Federal specifications and standards.
 211.273-1 Definition.
 211.273-2 Policy.
 211.273-3 Procedures.
 211.273-4 Contract clause.
 211.274 Item identification and valuation.
 211.274-1 General.
 211.274-2 Policy for unique item identification.
 211.274-3 Policy for valuation.
 211.274-4 Contract clause.
 211.275 Radio frequency identification.
 211.275-1 Definitions.
 211.275-2 Policy.
 211.275-3 Contract clause.

211.201  Identification and availability of specifications.

Follow the procedures at PGI 211.201 (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode) for use of specifications, standards, and data item descriptions.


211.204  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.


      (c)  When contract performance requires use of specifications, standards, and data item descriptions that are not listed in the Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System database, use provisions, as appropriate, substantially the same as those at—


              (i)  252.211-7001, Availability of Specifications, Standards, and Data Item Descriptions Not Listed in the Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System (ASSIST), and Plans, Drawings, and Other Pertinent Documents; and


              (ii)  252.211-7002, Availability for Examination of Specifications, Standards, Plans, Drawings, Data Item Descriptions, and Other Pertinent Documents.


211.270  Reserved.


211.271  Elimination of use of class I ozone-depleting substances.

See Subpart 223.8 for restrictions on contracting for ozone-depleting substances.


211.272  Alternate preservation, packaging, and packing.

Use the provision at 252.211-7004, Alternate Preservation, Packaging, and Packing, in solicitations which include military preservation, packaging, or packing specifications when it is feasible to evaluate and award using commercial or industrial preservation, packaging, or packing.


211.273  Substitutions for military or Federal specifications and standards.


211.273-1  Definition.

“SPI process,” as used in this section, is defined in the clause at 252.211-7005, Substitutions for Military or Federal Specifications and Standards.


211.273-2  Policy.


      (a)  Under the Single Process Initiative (SPI), DoD accepts SPI processes in lieu of specific military or Federal specifications or standards that specify a management or manufacturing process.


      (b)  DoD acceptance of an SPI process follows the decision of a Management Council, which includes representatives of the contractor, the Defense Contract Management Agency, the Defense Contract Audit Agency, and the military departments.


      (c)  In procurements of previously developed items, SPI processes that previously were accepted by the Management Council shall be considered valid replacements for military or Federal specifications or standards, absent a specific determination to the contrary.


211.273-3  Procedures.

Follow the procedures at PGI 211.273-3 (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode) for encouraging the use of SPI processes instead of military or Federal specifications and standards.


211.273-4  Contract clause.

Use the clause at 252.211-7005, Substitutions for Military or Federal Specifications and Standards, in solicitations and contracts exceeding the micro-purchase threshold, when procuring previously developed items.


211.274  Item identification and valuation.


211.274-1  General.

Unique item identification and valuation is a system of marking and valuing items delivered to DoD that will enhance logistics, contracting, and financial business transactions supporting the United States and coalition troops.  Through unique item identification policy, which capitalizes on leading practices and embraces open standards, DoD can—


      (a)  Achieve lower life-cycle cost of item management and improve life-cycle property management;


      (b)  Improve operational readiness;


      (c)  Provide reliable accountability of property and asset visibility throughout the life cycle; and


      (d)  Reduce the burden on the workforce through increased productivity and efficiency.


211.274-2  Policy for unique item identification.


     (a)  It is DoD policy that DoD unique item identification, or a DoD recognized unique identification equivalent, is required for—


              (1)  All delivered items for which the Government’s unit acquisition cost is $5,000 or more;


              (2)  Items for which the Government’s unit acquisition cost is less than $5,000, when identified by the requiring activity as serially managed, mission essential, or controlled inventory;


              (3)  Items for which the Government’s unit acquisition cost is less than $5,000, when the requiring activity determines that permanent identification is required; and


              (4)  Regardless of value—


                    (i)  Any DoD serially managed subassembly, component, or part embedded within a delivered item; and


                    (ii)  The parent item (as defined in 252.211-7003(a)) that contains the embedded subassembly, component, or part.


      (b)  Exceptions.  The Contractor will not be required to provide DoD unique item identification if—


              (1)  The items, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation or to facilitate defense against or recovery from nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; or


              (2)  A determination and findings has been executed concluding that it is more cost effective for the Government requiring activity to assign, mark, and register the unique item identification after delivery of an item acquired from a small business concern or a commercial item acquired under FAR Part 12 or Part 8.


                    (i)  The determination and findings shall be executed by—


                            (A)  The Component Acquisition Executive for an acquisition category (ACAT) I program; or


                            (B)  The head of the contracting activity for all other programs.


                    (ii)  The DoD Unique Item Identification Program Office must receive a copy of the determination and findings required by paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this subsection.  Send the copy to DPAP, SPEC ASST,  3060 Defense Pentagon, 3E1044, Washington, DC 20301-3060; or by facsimile to (703) 695-7596.


211.274-3  Policy for valuation.             


      (a)  It is DoD policy that contractors shall be required to identify the Government’s unit acquisition cost (as defined in 252.211-7003(a)) for all items delivered, even if none of the criteria for placing a unique item identification mark applies.


      (b)  The Government’s unit acquisition cost is—


              (1)  For fixed-price type line, subline, or exhibit line items, the unit price identified in the contract at the time of delivery;


              (2)  For cost-type or undefinitized line, subline, or exhibit line items, the contractor’s estimated fully burdened unit cost to the Government at the time of delivery; and


              (3)  For items delivered under a time-and-materials contract, the contractor’s estimated fully burdened unit cost to the Government at the time of delivery.


      (c)  The Government’s unit acquisition cost of subassemblies, components, and parts embedded in delivered items need not be separately identified.


211.274-4  Contract clause.

Use the clause at 252.211-7003, Item Identification and Valuation, in solicitations and contracts that require item identification or valuation, or both, in accordance with 211.274-2 and 211.274-3.


      (a)  Complete paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of the clause with the contract line, subline, or exhibit line item number and description of any item(s) below $5,000 in unit acquisition cost for which DoD unique item identification or a DoD recognized unique identification equivalent is required in accordance with 211.274-2(a)(2) or (3).


      (b)  Complete paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of the clause with the applicable attachment number, when DoD unique item identification or a DoD recognized unique identification equivalent is required in accordance with 211.274-2(a)(4) for DoD serially managed subassemblies, components, or parts embedded within deliverable items.


      (c)  Use the clause with its Alternate I if—


              (1)  An exception in 211.274-2(b) applies; or


              (2)  Items are to be delivered to the Government and none of the criteria for placing a unique item identification mark applies.


211.275  Radio frequency identification.


211.275-1  Definitions.

“Bulk commodities,” “case,” “palletized unit load,” “passive RFID tag,” and “radio frequency identification” are defined in the clause at 252.211-7006, Radio Frequency Identification.


211.275-2  Policy.


      (a)  Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, radio frequency identification (RFID), in the form of a passive RFID tag, is required for individual cases and palletized unit loads that—


              (1)  Contain items in any of the following classes of supply, as defined in DoD 4140.1-R, DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Regulation, AP1.1.11:


                     (i)  Subclass of Class I – Packaged operational rations.


                     (ii)  Class II – Clothing, individual equipment, tentage, organizational tool kits, hand tools, and administrative and housekeeping supplies and equipment.


                     (iii)  Class IIIP – Packaged petroleum, lubricants, oils, preservatives, chemicals, and additives.


                     (iv)  Class IV – Construction and barrier materials.


                     (v)  Class VI – Personal demand items (non-military sales items).


                     (vi)  Subclass of Class VIII – Medical materials (excluding pharmaceuticals, biologicals, and reagents – suppliers should limit the mixing of excluded and non-excluded materials).


                     (vii)  Class IX – Repair parts and components including kits, assemblies and subassemblies, reparable and consumable items required for maintenance support of all equipment, excluding medical-peculiar repair parts; and


              (2)  Will be shipped to one of the following locations:


                     (i)  Defense Distribution Depot, Susquehanna, PA:  DoDAAC  W25G1U or SW3124.


                     (ii)  Defense Distribution Depot, San Joaquin, CA:  DoDAAC  W62G2T or SW3224. 


                     (iii)  Defense Distribution Depot, Albany, GA:  DoDAAC SW3121.


                     (iv)  Defense Distribution Depot, Anniston, AL:  DoDAAC W31G1Z or SW3120.


                     (v)  Defense Distribution Depot, Barstow, CA:  DoDAAC SW3215.


                     (vi)  Defense Distribution Depot, Cherry Point, NC:  DoDAAC SW3113.


                     (vii)  Defense Distribution Depot, Columbus, OH:  DoDAAC SW0700.


                     (viii)  Defense Distribution Depot, Corpus Christi, TX:  DoDAAC W45H08 or SW3222.


                     (ix)  Defense Distribution Depot, Hill, UT:  DoDAAC SW3210.


                     (x)  Defense Distribution Depot, Jacksonville, FL:  DoDAAC SW3122.


                     (xi)  Defense Distribution Depot, Oklahoma City, OK:  DoDAAC SW3211.


                     (xii)  Defense Distribution Depot, Norfolk, VA:  DoDAAC SW3117.


                     (xiii)  Defense Distribution Depot, Puget Sound, WA:  DoDAAC SW3216.


                     (xiv)  Defense Distribution Depot, Red River, TX:  DoDAAC W45G19 or SW3227.


                     (xv)  Defense Distribution Depot, Richmond, VA:  DoDAAC SW0400.


                     (xvi)  Defense Distribution Depot, San Diego, CA:  DoDAAC SW3218.


                     (xvii)  Defense Distribution Depot, Tobyhanna, PA:  DoDAAC W25G1W or SW3114.


                     (xviii)  Defense Distribution Depot, Warner Robins, GA:  DoDAAC SW3119.


                     (xix)  Air Mobility Command Terminal, Charleston Air Force Base, Charleston, SC:  Air Terminal Identifier Code CHS.


                     (xx)  Air Mobility Command Terminal, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, VA:  Air Terminal Identifier Code NGU.


                     (xxi)  Air Mobility Command Terminal, Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, CA:  Air Terminal Identifier Code SUU.


                    (xxii)  A location outside the contiguous United States when the shipment has been assigned Transportation Priority 1.


      (b)  The following are excluded from the requirements of paragraph (a) of this subsection:


              (1)  Shipments of bulk commodities.


              (2)  Shipments to locations other than Defense Distribution Depots when the contract includes the clause at FAR 52.213-1, Fast Payment Procedures.


211.275-3  Contract clause.

Use the clause at 252.211-7006, Radio Frequency Identification, in solicitations and contracts that will require shipment of items meeting the criteria at 211.275-2.






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