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(Revised September 8, 2006)



 204.802 Contract files.
 204.804 Closeout of contract files.
 204.804-1 Closeout by the office administering the contract.
 204.804-2 Closeout of the contracting office files if another office administers the contract.
 204.805 Disposal of contract files.

204.802  Contract files.

Official contract files shall consist of—


      (1)  Only original, authenticated or conformed copies of contractual instruments—


              (i)  “Authenticated copies” means copies that are shown to be genuine in one of two ways—


                    (A)  Certification as true copy by signature of an authorized person; or


                    (B)  Official seal.


              (ii)  “Conformed copies” means copies that are complete and accurate, including the date signed and the names and titles of the parties who signed them.


      (2)  Signed or official record copies of correspondence, memoranda, and other documents.


204.804  Closeout of contract files.

Normally, the closeout date for contract files is the date in Block 9d on the DD Form 1594, Contract Completion Statement, or in columns 59-65 on the PK9.  If the contracting office must do a major closeout action that will take longer than three months after the date shown in Block 9d of the DD Form 1594, or in columns 59-65 of the PK9—


      (1)  The closeout date for file purposes will be the date in Block 10e of the DD Form 1594 or the date of the closeout statement executed when the MILSCAP PK9 is received.


      (2)  The contracting office shall notify the contract administration office of the revised closeout date by either sending a copy of the completed DD Form 1594 or by preparing a MILSCAP Format Identifier PKZ, Contract Closeout Extension.


204.804-1  Closeout by the office administering the contract.


      (1)  For contracting offices administering their own contracts, locally developed forms or statement of completion may be used instead of the DD Form 1594, Contract Completion Statement.  Whichever method is used, the form shall be retained in the official contract file.


      (2)  For contracts valued above the simplified acquisition threshold, prepare a DD Form 1597, Contract Closeout Check List, (or agency equivalent) to ensure that all required contract actions have been satisfactorily accomplished.


204.804-2  Closeout of the contracting office files if another office administers the contract.


      (1)  When an office, other than the contracting office, administers the contract, it shall—


              (i)  Provide the contracting office an interim contract completion statement when the contract is physically completed and accepted.  This notice may be in the form of either a DD Form 1594, Contract Completion Statement, or a MILSCAP Format Identifier Interim PK9, Contract Physical Completion.  When the DD Form 1594 is used, the contracting officer—


                    (A)  Annotates Block 8, Remarks, with—


                            (1)  “Notice of Physical Completion;”


                            (2)  Final acceptance date;


                            (3)  Signature of a responsible official; and


                            (4)  Date signed.


                    (B)  Does not complete Blocks 9(b), (c), and (d) at this time;


              (ii)  Prepare a DD Form 1597, Contract Closeout Check List, if necessary, to determine that all the required actions have been done;


              (iii)  Initiate DD Form 1593, Contract Administration Completion Record, if necessary to obtain statements from other organizational elements that they have completed the actions they are responsible for; and


              (iv)  Upon final payment—


                    (A)  Process the DD Form 1594 with Blocks 1 through 9 completed or the MILSCAP Format Identifier PK9 verifying that all contract administration office actions have been done; and


                    (B)  Send the original of the DD Form 1594 or the MILSCAP Format Identifier PK9 to the contracting office, and file a copy in the official contract file.


      (2)  If the administrative contracting officer (ACO) cannot closeout a contract within the specified time period (see FAR 4.804-1), the ACO must notify the procuring contracting officer (PCO) within 45 days after the expiration of the time period of—


              (i)  The reasons for the delay; and


              (ii)  New target date for closeout.  If MILSCAP procedures apply, the ACO shall use the MILSCAP Format Identifier PKX, Unclosed Contract Status, to provide this notice to the PCO.


      (3)  If the contract still is not closed out by the new target date, the ACO shall again notify the PCO with the reasons for delay and new target date.  If MILSCAP procedures apply, continue to use the MILSCAP Format Identifier PKX, Unclosed Contract Status, to provide this notice.


204.805  Disposal of contract files.


      (1)  The sources of the period for which official contract files must be retained are General Records Schedule 3 (Procurement, Supply, and Grant Records) and General Records Schedule 6 (Accountable Officers' Accounts Records).  Copies of the General Records Schedule may be obtained from the National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC  20408.


      (2)  Deviations from the periods cannot be granted by the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council.  Forward requests for deviations to both the Government Accountability Office and the National Archives and Records Administration.


      (3)  Hold completed contract files in the office responsible for maintaining them for a period of 12 months after completion.  After the initial 12 month period, send the records to the local records holding or staging area until they are eligible for destruction.  If no space is available locally, transfer the files to the General Services Administration Federal Records Center that services the area.


      (4)  Duplicate or working contract files should contain no originals of materials that properly belong in the official files.  Destroy working files as soon as practicable once they are no longer needed.


      (5)  Retain pricing review files, containing documents related to reviews of the contractor's price proposals, subject to cost or pricing data (see FAR 15.403-4), for six years.  If it is impossible to determine the final payment date in order to measure the six year period, retain the files for nine years.




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