Guides > Viewers > ZIP File Utility

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This page provides a link to a file compression/decompression utility for .zip files. .Zip files are used to bundle multiple files together and/or to reduce the size of a file and "wrap" it in a file header for speedier transmission over the internet. To get at the file's contents, you must first decompress the .zip file by using an appropriate utility such as the one provided via this page. The company home page URL is provided as a starting point in case the specific product page URL changes unexpectedly. 

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Product Web Page
PKWARE Inc. Pkzip


Disclaimer: The United States Patent and Trademark Office provides these links solely for the convenience of members of the public who may need to access documents offered in these formats on our Web site. The USPTO does not endorse these companies' products nor the accuracy of any information presented on their web sites. All brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective companies.

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