Gridded 1 km Population for the Conterminous United States

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About this data set:
Population values at a 1 km2 grid cell resolution were prepared for the conterminous United States (CONUS) for 1930-2000 using two U.S. Census Bureau data sets: The 2000 U.S. Census Bureau 1 km2 population density grid for CONUS (National Geophysical Data Center/NESDIS/NOAA, 2002) and tabular U.S. Census county data (U.S. Census Bureau 2002). These data sets were merged in two steps. First, the 1 km2 2000 gridded population density dataset for CONUS was merged with a 1 km2 gridded data set that defined the spatial extent of all counties. This combined information was then used to estimate the spatial distribution of population within each county for each decade. Weights for each grid cell, summing to 1.0 for each county, were computed. Then these weights were multiplied by the county total for each decade. Finally, values were adjusted for rounding so that the sum of each county's grid cells precisely matched the published census values.

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Scientists at NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) have used the gridded 1 km population data in a number of research applications. The following article citations summarize these efforts:

  • Owen, T. W., and K. P. Gallo, 2000: Updated population metadata for the United States Historical Climatology Network Stations. J. Climate, 13:22, 4028-4033. [Abstract]

  • Peterson, T.C., 2003: Assessment of Urban Versus Rural In Situ Surface Temperatures in the Contiguous United Stats: No Difference Found. J. Climate, 16:18, 2941-2959. [Abstract]1

  • Peterson, T. C., and T.W. Owen, 2005: Urban Heat Island Assessment: Metadata Are Important. J. Climate, 18:14, 2637-2646. [Abstract]2