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Career Spotlight:

Meet Kay. - She flew as Mission Specialist-2 on STS-90 Neurolab (1998) and logged over 381 hours in space. She was also part of the seven-member crew aboard Space Shuttle Columbia and completed 26 life science experiments.

Read our interview with her.

To learn more about becoming an Astronaut:

Career Corner
Current Opportunities
Student Opportunities Podcasts
Human Space Flight

Kay - Astronaut aboard Space Shuttle Columbia

Government Sites

A Day in the Life of a Special Agent - Special Agents have many different responsibilities, including community outreach, investigation, and continuous training. Learn what one particular day in the life of an Agent in Washington, D.C., may be.

Accountant - Accountants and auditors keep track of a company's money. The company's managers and people outside the company read their reports. Managers look at the accountants' reports to see how well their companies are doing.

Actor - Actors perform in stage, radio, television, video, or motion pictures. It's hard for most actors to find steady work. Only a few become famous "stars." They also teach in high school or college drama departments, acting conservatories, or public programs.

Actuary - Actuaries deal with risk. They decide how likely things such as death, sickness, injury, disability, and loss of property are to occur, as well as the costs of these things.

Agricultural and Food Scientist - How can farms use less labor? Control pests and weeds? Conserve soil and water? Do all of the above, yet still grow more food? Agricultural and food scientists look for the answers to these kinds of questions.

Architect - Architects design houses and buildings. They plan offices and apartments. They design schools, churches, and airport terminals. Their plans involve far more than a building's looks. Buildings must be safe and strong.

Artist - Artists make art to express what they are feeling or thinking. They use many methods—drawing, painting, sculpting. They use an assortment of materials—different kinds of paints, pencils, and pens, plaster, clay, and even computers.

Automotive Mechanic - Automotive service technicians and mechanics fix cars or light trucks that have broken down. They must be able to figure out the source of the problem quickly and correctly. They must know automobiles well.

Aviation and Space Careers - (Federal Aviation Administration) - Find out how to become a mechanic or a pilot.

Bookkeeping Clerk - Bookkeeping clerks add, subtract, multiply, and divide many numbers each day. They must be able to use computers to calculate and record data. There is a wide variety of bookkeeping clerks. Certain clerks handle only specific accounts. Some bookkeepers maintain books for an entire company.

Career Information - NASA - NASA isn't just astronauts and scientists. NASA has engineers, mathematicians, technicians, accountants, historians, writers, computer support people, project managers, artists, educators, human resource personnel, public relations managers, physicians, lawyers -- and more. The most important thing for preparing to find a job at NASA is that you study what you like and work hard to achieve your goals.

Career Videos - Career Voyages - (Department of Labor) - You will find videos about some of the specific occupations in different industries, such as the automotive industry or retail industry.

Career Voyages - (Department of Labor) - Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? What job do you think you would like? At this fantastic website, you’ll learn all about different jobs, their pay and growth prospects, and how to prepare for them.

Careers in Earth Science - (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) - One of NASA's biggest assets has always been its people. Through distinguished service, ability, courage, and education you can make a contribution to the advancement of Earth Science.

Carpenter - Carpenters build many things from wood and other materials, like buildings and boats. They construct, erect, install, and repair structures and other fixtures. To do this, they cut, fit, and join the various materials together.

Chemist - Everything is made of chemicals. Chemists and materials scientists find ways to make chemicals useful to us. They also try to improve things that people use daily, such as paint, medicine, and cosmetics, as well as cars and airplanes.

Childcare Worker - Childcare workers teach and care for children while their parents are away. They make sure children are safe. They might also help them play games, do art, and read books. Childcare workers need to be energetic, fun, and patient. They help kids gain new skills and learn how to get along with others.

Civil Engineer - Civil engineers design things. These might be roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, or water supply and sewage systems. They must consider many factors in their designs, from the costs to making sure the structure will stay intact during bad weather.

Coach - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Coaches help people learn how to play a sport. They start by teaching them the basics. They show them the proper form and technique.

Computer Hardware Engineer - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Computer hardware engineers research, design, develop, test, and oversee the installation of computer hardware. Computer hardware engineers are much like electronics engineers, but work only with computers. The rapid advances in computers are a result of their work. To keep up, these workers must stay up to date on what they know.

Computer Software Engineer - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - The impact of computers on our lives means there is a need to develop new software. Computer software engineers apply computer science, engineering, and math to design, develop, and test software.

Computer Support Specialist - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Computer support specialists help people use computers. When something goes wrong, support specialists figure out why. Then, they try to fix it.

Cost Estimator - Cost estimators figure out how much a project or product will cost. This helps business owners and managers decide whether to build a structure or manufacture a product.

Court Reporter - Court reporters make word-for-word reports of court cases, meetings, speeches, and other events. Court reporters play a critical role in legal proceedings. They are expected to create a complete and accurate legal record.

Dancer - Dancers express ideas, stories, rhythm, and sound with their bodies. Some dance in ballet; others perform modern dance. Dancers work in musical shows, in folk, ethnic, tap, and jazz dances. Many dancers also teach or choreograph dances.

Database Administrator - Computer databases that store information on customers, inventory, and projects are found in nearly every industry. Data must be stored, organized, and managed. Database administrators work with database software to find ways to do this. They identify user needs, set up computer databases, and test systems.

Designer - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Are you creative? Designers have a desire to create; they mix knowledge with artistic ability. Designers focus in a specific area of design, such as cars or websites.

Desktop Publisher - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Using computer software, these workers combine printed materials, numbers, pictures, and charts to prepare publications. Find out more.

Diplomat - Careers at the State Department - (Department of State) - Do you find the life of a diplomat interesting but don't know where to begin? You may just find what you're looking for.

Disc Jockey - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Disc jockeys, sometimes called "deejays," put music on the radio. They also talk about the news, sports, and weather. They also make commercials, talk with guests, and tell you what's going on in the community.

Discovering Your Interests and Talents - - (Office of Women's Health) - Taking the time to think about your interests and abilities is the first step toward discovering what it is you want to do now as a teen, or even later when you become an adult.

Doctor - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Doctors use science to figure out what is making people sick. Doctors examine people, listen to them describe their health problems, and do tests to see what is wrong.

Drafter - Drafters make drawings and plans. Drafters use math and engineering skills to add numbers to their drawings. They can turn someone's rough sketch into an exact drawing. Some plans show how to make objects like toys, toasters, and machinery. Some plans are for larger things like houses and office buildings.

Economist - Economists do research. They prepare surveys to collect data, and then figure out what the data mean. They also forecast how the economy might change in the future. Economists study topics such as prices, jobs, taxes, interest rates, and the stock market.

Electrical Engineer - Electrical engineers design new and better electronics. They also test equipment and solve problems. A project starts by deciding what the new electronics will do. Then, the engineer designs the circuits and other parts of the electronics. Engineers might draw their designs using a computer.

Electrician - Without these workers, there would be no lights, no computers, and no TVs plugged into our walls. Electricians bring us electricity. They put in the wires that carry electricity through houses, offices, and factories. They also fix electric machines.

Engineering Technician - Engineering technicians solve technical problems. Some help engineers and scientists do research and development. They build or set up equipment. They do experiments. They collect data and calculate results.

Environmental Scientist - Environmental scientists find and fix pollution and other environmental problems. They figure out what is in the air, water, and soil to make sure that the environment is safe. They also give advice on how to clean the environment.

Estuaries.Gov - Students Page - (National Estuarine Research Reserve System) - Learn about basic estuarine concepts and answer questions to solve a puzzle. You can also find information about careers in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the knowledge and skills required to enter these careers, and much more.

Farmer - Farmers grow crops and raise animals. Farmers decide when to plant, fertilize, harvest, and sell crops. Farmers watch the prices for the crops they produce and try to sell at the best time. They choose what types of machinery, seeds, and animals to buy. Farmers use new technology, and they learn about new farming methods.

FBI Investigates a Spy - (Federal Bureau of Investigation) - Special Agents have been investigating and catching spies for over 60 years! A spy is a person who keeps secret watch on another person or thing to get information.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Students’ Corner - This Corner is intended to explain to students of all ages how the FERC regulates energy for the United States. There are many different things to learn about FERC, including the history and the energy industries we regulate and our commitment to the environment.

Federal Prosecutor - (Department of Justice) - Federal prosecutors are attorneys who represent the Federal government in a court of law and attempt to prove that a person or company committed a crime.

Financial Analyst - Financial analysts help people decide how to invest their money. They work for banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, and securities firms.

Firefighter - Firefighters put out fires, which is not as simple as it may sound. Fighting fires is dangerous and complex, and it takes organization and teamwork.

Future State - U.S. Department of State for Youth - (Department of State) - The State Department has embassies in more than 190 countries. Find out at this great site how you can prepare for an exciting career as a diplomat or foreign service officer.

Getting a Job at the CIA - Working at the CIA can be a very exciting and rewarding career. The CIA is looking for enthusiastic people with unquestioned integrity, strong interpersonal skills, and the desire to be a part of a mission that helps protect and secure our family, friends, and country,

Health Care - Career Voyages - (Department of Labor) - Find out about nursing, primary care, long-term care and more.

Human Resources Assistant - Human resources assistants keep records of a company's employees. Every day, human resources assistants update information and answer questions about employees. They also may create reports for managers.

Judge - Judges are in charge of trials. They make sure that trials are fair. They resolve differences between lawyers. They read the law to decide what lawyers can and can't do.

Landscape Architect - Landscape architects decide where to put flowers, trees, walkways, and other landscape details. They work with architects, surveyors, and engineers to find the best place to put roads and buildings. They work with environmental scientists to find the best way to conserve or restore natural resources.

Lawyer - Lawyers spend a lot of time doing research. To be a good lawyer, a person must be good at finding facts in books, on computers, and in other places. Lawyers also interview people to get information.

Librarian - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Librarians help people find facts. They organize information and help people find books, magazines, videos, websites, and other information.

Loan Officer - Loan officers help people apply for loans. This lets people do things like buy a house or a car, or pay for college. Loan officers help businesses by loaning them money to get started or to buy equipment.

Look to the Future: Careers in Space - Since you were little, you have probably associated space careers with astronauts, walking on the moon, Neil Armstrong, and space shuttles. Not every space career involves hopping around in a big spacesuit, but there are lots of opportunities available for exciting space careers today.

Mathematician Quiz - (National Center for Education Statistics) - Complete this profile and learn which famous mathematician shares your interests.

Mathematicians - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Mathematicians use mathematical theory, computational techniques and the latest computer technology to solve economic, scientific, engineering, physics, and business problems.

Meteorology and Your Career - (Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command) - Curious about Navy careers in weather? Find out what a meteorologist does and how to become one.

Musician - Musicians and singers compose, sing, and play music. They perform solo or as part of a group. They perform in sound studios and on stage. They also perform on television and in movies. Some musicians go on concert tours, traveling all over the U.S. and the world.

Nurse - Nurses, also called registered nurses or RNs, take care of sick and injured people. They give people medicine. They treat wounds. And they give emotional support to patients and their families.

Oceanography and Your Career - (Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command) - Learn what an oceanographer does, and how you can become one.

Paralegal - Paralegals, or legal assistants, help lawyers in their work. They perform some of the same tasks as lawyers. Paralegals investigate cases to make sure that lawyers know all of the important facts.

Peace Corps - Teens - Peace Corps Volunteers are exposed to some of the most interesting and exciting things this world has to offer and their experiences are both one-of-a-kind and once-in-a- lifetime.

Pharmacist - Pharmacists are experts in medicine and its side effects. They sometimes help doctors choose which medicines to give patients. Pharmacists also warn doctors if the doctors have asked their patients to take any medicine that might hurt their patients.

Photographer - Photographers know how to choose the right tools to give them the best picture. They use different things such as lights, lenses, and film to create a picture. New digital technology is being used more and more by photographers. A lot of them use computers to finish their work.

Physicist - Physicists study the natural world, from the tiniest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies. They do experiments to discover the laws of nature. They study what things are made of (matter) and how things behave. They also study energy. They learn how it changes from one form to another.

Pilot - Pilots fly airplanes and helicopters to do many jobs. Most pilots fly people and cargo from place to place. Some pilots test new planes, fight fires, do police work, or rescue people who are hurt or in danger.

Police Officer - Police and detectives enforce laws. They catch criminals. They collect evidence. At times they testify in court. Others patrol set areas to prevent crime. Some patrol and give out traffic tickets. Some police direct traffic. Most police wear uniforms. Detectives and special agents work in regular clothes. Most detectives are part of regular police forces. Special agents work for Federal and State agencies.

Politician - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Politicians run Federal, State, and local governments; they are the Nation's chief executives and legislators. They get their jobs by being elected. They make and pass laws that affect all of us.

Professional Athlete - Very athletic people might want to consider getting a job as a "pro" athlete. But they should know that very few athletes ever make it that far. It's a good idea, then, to have another job in mind as well.

Psychologist - Psychologists study the human mind. They also try to explain why people act as they do. They do research to test their ideas about people's actions.

Real Estate Agent - Real estate agents help people buy and sell houses. They must be able to say approximately how much money a house is worth. They need to know what the neighborhoods in their towns are like. They must know the laws that have to do with buying or selling a house. They also can tell home buyers where to get a loan if they need more money to buy a house.

Recreation and Fitness Worker - Recreation workers plan and teach activities that people enjoy in their free time. This may include camping, sports, arts and crafts, dance, or drama. Recreation workers organize these activities for people of all ages.

Recreational Therapist - Recreational therapists help people who are sick or hurt to get active again. They use sports, games, arts, crafts, and music to help patients build confidence and get back into life.

Reporter - Reporters gather information and write news stories. These stories appear in newspapers and magazines. Some reporters appear on television and radio. To get information, reporters look at documents. They observe the scene. They interview people.

Scientists in Action - (Geological Survey) - Want to map the planets, explore the ocean floor; protect wildlife, or forecast volcanic eruptions? If this sounds like fun, then take a peek at this website and learn about various careers in the natural sciences.

Secretary - Secretaries make appointments. They put files in order. They also write letters and answer the phone. They may make travel plans. Secretaries use computers, fax machines, and copiers. Secretaries make sure that the information that leaves the office is right. Other people in the office rely on secretaries to keep things going well.

Slide Shows - Coverdell World Wise Schools - (Peace Corps) - Listen to Peace Corps Volunteers talk about their experience and express their opinions through their own photographs and in their own voices.

Social Worker - Social workers help people overcome problems and make their lives better. They might work with people who are homeless, sick, or having family problems. Or they might help students who are having trouble in school.

Space Agriculture in the Classroom - (Department of Agriculture, NASA) - Learn about the space program and the role of agriculture in our economy and society. Helps students see the connection between agricultural practices on Earth that relate to space-based research, particularly in the plant sciences.

Star Child - Astronauts - Every two years, NASA must make the difficult decision of selecting new members of the astronaut corps. Learn what it takes to be an astronaut.

Statistician - Statisticians help to design surveys and experiments. They also collect, analyze, and interpret numerical data. Some work for businesses and some work in government.

Surveyor - Do you know where your backyard ends and your neighbor's yard begins? Have you ever wondered how maps are created? These are questions for a surveyor. Surveyors measure and draw what the earth's surface looks like.

Systems Analyst - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - These workers figure out how to use computers to get things done. They tell businesses and other organizations which computers and software to buy, and they decide how to get those tools to work together.

Teacher - Teachers teach children to read, write, do math, and much more. They use games, videos, computers, and other tools to teach children different subjects. Teachers show students skills. They also explain information. Teachers plan their lessons before they teach.

Teen Business Link - (Small Business Administration) - Want to own a small business? At this site you will find ideas for a business, how to start a small business, business tips, and meet successful young entrepreneurs.

Urban Planner - City planners figure out the best way to use the land in cities and neighborhoods. They report on the best location for houses, stores, and parks. They try to solve a lot of problems. These include things such as too much traffic and increases in air pollution.

USA Freedom Corps for Youth - (White House) - There are opportunities to help all across America and we’ve put together some ideas on this site to help you find the right opportunity.

Veterinarian - Veterinarians take care of sick and injured animals. Like doctors, they perform surgery and give medicine. When an animal is sick, vets examine it to find out why.

Videos - Coverdell World Wise Schools - (Peace Corps) - Vivid videos of daily life in Peace Corps countries from Kyrgyzstan and Sri Lanka to the Dominican Republic and Paraguay. Gender and Development videos are also available.

Webmaster - (Bureau of Labor Statistics) - Webmasters make websites; they turn words and art into Internet sites that people can use. They give computers instructions about how words and art should look on the computer screen.

Women of NASA - (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) - There are many math, science, and technology careers for women at NASA. At this interesting site you can take the NASA quest and read profiles of NASA experts about their work days.

Working for the Great Outdoors - A Day In The Life - (Forest Service) - Take a closer look at just what it's like "on the job" for a few of the people of the Forest Service.

Writer - Writers and editors write! Writers write stories, or they write about things that really happened. They write books, and they write articles for magazines or journals. They write for newspapers, and they write for radio and television.

Zookeeper - Many people like animals, but taking care of them is hard work. Zookeepers take care of wild animals in zoos and animal parks. They feed the animals, clean their living spaces, and work to keep them healthy.

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Other Resources

Animal Doc - The interactive site, created by the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, guides children through a variety of topics like understanding dog behavior, fun facts about sheep and Paco's story, in which a little donkey has his leg fixed.

Aquarium Careers - Monterey Bay Aquarium - Even if you love the seas, but get seasick as soon as you leave the shore, you can still find a marine-related career that suits your talents and interests.

Aviation Careers - Young Eagles - Find out about careers in the airline industry, like becoming a pilot and aircraft manufacturing.

Careers in Marine Sciences - New England Aquarium - Find out what it takes to have a career in marine sciences at one of the world’s premier aquariums.

Discover Engineering - So what is engineering? It's hard to get a good idea from just a few words. This whole site is meant to help answer that question.

EEK! - Career Zone - (Wisconsin's Department of Natural Resources) - Do you think you might want to have a job that involves helping take care of the environment? Check out these careers.

Engineer Girl! - There are plenty of opportunities for women and girls in engineering. Space, medicine, environmental and communications - all need engineers. At this cool site you can check out fun facts, learn about women in engineering and what you need to know to become one.

Engineering K-12 Center - Have you ever wondered who created that spine- tingling ride you love so much at the amusement park? Have you ever thought about why today’s cars are more fuel-efficient and cause less pollution? Or who came up with instant messaging? The answer is engineers. If you want to change the world through innovations like these, a career in engineering will help you do it.

Girls Go Tech - Careers You Can Count On - Math, science and technology are as varied as they are exciting. Find out more about the careers associated with them.

Kids and Careers - There are so many jobs out there, and you're bound to find something that's right for you!

Kids Post - Get the scoop on current events and entertainment, homework help, and have fun with games, polls, and more from The Washington Post.

Mapping Your Future - No matter what you dream of doing with your life, preparing yourself for life (and most likely education) after high school is important.

Marine Science Careers - Georgia Aquarium - Find out what a Research Biologist, Marine Mammalogist, Ichthyology, Biological Oceanographers and more do on a daily basis.

O Ambassadors - An exciting new joint project of Oprah’s Angel Network and Free The Children that will inspire young people to become active, compassionate and knowledgeable global citizens. The program connects young people in North America with people around the world to create lasting change. Participants address problems such as hunger, poverty and limited access to education.

The Fun Works - For Careers You Never Knew Existed - You may not know now exactly what you want to do as an adult, but this site will help you start. Discover who you are, what you like to do, and what you do best.

Working at the San Diego Zoo - There are so many jobs you can do at the zoo. Learn about working with animals, plants, science, conservation, and much, much more.

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Page Revised - 1/7/2009

This service is provided by the Federal Citizen Information Center of the Office of Citizen Services, U.S. General Services Administration.