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Petition to President Obama to Support Mandatory Labeling of GM Foods

Dear President Obama,

We represent the 9 out of 10 Americans who enthusiastically support your campaign promise to require the mandatory labeling of genetically modified (GM) foods.  In the spirit of governing smarter, we want to be clear about our comprehensive labeling expectations, so they are not diluted by lobbyists for corporate interests.

SPECIFICITY: “Derived By,” “Fed,” or “Injected”

All foods in which any single ingredient is intentionally or accidentally derived from genetically modified plants or animals must be labeled. (The European Union law provides a working example of this.) In addition, all products derived from animals that have been fed GM feed, or injected with GM hormones (such as rbGH) must also be labeled.

Immediate Action

This issue has greater bipartisan support than perhaps any other campaign issue. We want to know which foods contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs) now. Please announce your GM food labeling policy as soon as you take office, so we can have a choice (and so farmers can select non-GMO seeds in time for spring harvest, if their markets will require it).

Thank you for giving us the choice we need and deserve.

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